Explore UAB

The Blazer App Accelerator, funded and administered by the Bill L. Harbert Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (HIIE), will help potential UAB software and app creators validate ideas that are ready for further funding via the Blazer Bridge Fund application process or to launch as potential startup companies.

HIIE has partnered with Harmony Venture Labs, a Birmingham-area company, to create the Blazer App Accelerator. Through funding via the Blazer App Accelerator, HVL’s AppThink program will guide participants through a proven entrepreneurship curriculum with a focus on real-world applications. Please note that Blazer App Accelerator funds will only pay for successful applicants to participate in the AppThink program.

Successful applicants for the Blazer App Accelerator will participate in AppThink’s four-week “Foundations” course, which serves the needs of idea-stage founders by helping them progress through a series of validation milestones that culminate with learning to create a prototype. Participants who successfully complete the “Foundations” course can then apply for AppThink’s “Your First Customer” course, which helps potential founders understand audience building, creating MVPs, going to market and scaling the product and company. Blazer App Accelerator funds will also pay for successful applicants to participate in the “Your First Customer” course. Upon completion of both “Foundations” and “Your First Customer,” participants will be encouraged to apply for a Blazer Bridge Fund grant of up to $50,000 to continue developing their product.


Faculty members, staff, and postdoc intellectual property (IP) contributors are eligible to apply. Graduate students may apply with a faculty lead. Both individual participants and teams are invited to apply.

To be eligible for the award, the applicant must submit or have previously submitted an IP disclosure covering the proposal's project.

If you have issues with your application or IP submission, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Application & Course Timelines

  • “Foundations” Application Timeline
    • November 4, 2024: Applications open for “Foundations” course.
    • December 13, 2024: Application deadline for “Foundations” course.
    • Januay 3, 2025: Successful applicants for “Foundations” course will be informed by this date.

    The HIIE and AppThink teams will evaluate the “Foundations” applications to choose 10-20 participants or teams.

  • "Foundations” Program Timeline

    The four-week “Foundations” program will begin in mid-January and end in mid-February. Exact dates TBD.

    The course curriculum consists of asynchronous online content each week, weekly meetings, and follow-up assignments. The curriculum will cover:

    • Validating whether participants have identified problems that justify product and company creation.
    • Evaluating if the market has space for your product.
    • Creating and testing ideas to find a few worth prototyping.
    • Learning how to drive demand for your product.

    The date and time of weekly meetings will be determined prior to the start of the course, as well as if the sessions will be held in person or online. Participants can expect the weekly meetings to be approximately two hours long. Online content will likely require an additional hour or more.

  • “Your First Customer” Application Timeline
    • Mid-February 2025: Applications open for “Your First Customer” course.
    • March 7, 2025: Applications close for “Your First Customer” course.
    • March 21, 2025: Successful applicants for “Your First Customer” course will be informed by this date.

    The HIIE and AppThink teams will evaluate the applications to choose 10 or more participants for the “Your First Customer” course.

  • “Your First Customer” Course Timeline

    The four-week “Your First Customer” course will begin the first week of April 2025 and end in early May 2025. Exact dates TBD.

    The course curriculum consists of asynchronous online content each week, weekly meetings, and follow-up assignments. The curriculum will cover:

    • How to build an audience.
    • Creating a series of minimum viable products.
    • Bringing your product to market.
    • Iterating and scaling your product and company.

    The date and time of weekly meetings will be determined prior to the start of the course, as well as if the sessions will be held in person or online. Participants can expect the weekly meetings to be approximately two hours long. Online content will likely require an additional hour or more.


To apply for the “Foundations” course through the Blazer App Accelerator, please click the link below to download the application in a Word document. Once you have completed the application, email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you have any issues, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Download Foundations Application Opens a word document.

The “Your First Customer” course application will be available in early 2025.


For questions about the Blazer App Accelerator, please reach out to your Licensing Associate or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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