The 1917 PrEP Clinic is available to provide Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to HIV-negative individuals to reduce their risk of acquiring HIV.
To make an appointment, please call Michael Fordham at 205-975-0840 or CLICK HERE for an online appointment request form.
What is PrEP?
PrEP is an HIV prevention method that involves HIV-negative people taking anti-HIV medications to help prevent HIV acquisition. Several studies have shown that PrEP can reduce the risk of becoming HIV-infected when taken as part of a package of prevention services. These studies showed that PrEP is safe and effective in people who are sexually active. There are three different products that are currently FDA approved for use as PrEP. These options include two, once-daily oral medications called Truvada (generic versions available), and Descovy. The third option is a long-acting injectable medication called Apretude. If you decide to get on PrEP, you will talk with your doctor about which of these three products is best for you.
Who should consider PrEP?
You may want to consider PrEP to prevent HIV acquisition if you have had anal or vaginal sex in the past six months and you...
- have a sexual partner living with HIV (especially if your partner has an unknown or detectable viral load),
- have not consistently used condoms when you have sex, or
- have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection in the past 6 months.
You may also consider taking PrEP to prevent HIV acquisition if you inject drugs and you...
- have an injection partner living with HIV, or
- share needles, syringes, or other drug injection equipment (for example, cookers).
Finally, if you have ever been prescribed PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) and you...
- report continued behavior that puts you at higher risk for acquiring HIV, or
- have used multiple courses of PEP.
Can I take PrEP during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?
If you have a partner living with HIV and are considering getting pregnant, talk to your healthcare provider about PrEP if you're not already taking it. PrEP may be an option to help prevent HIV transmission for you and your baby while you try to get pregnant, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding.
How Can I Pay for Prep?
Most commercial insurance companies will cover PrEP and related costs (labs, visits) at little to no cost.
- If you have a copay for your medication, manufacturer copay assistance programs are available and your PrEP team can assist you with enrolling in these programs.
- If you are uninsured: Some clinics can offer assistance programs to help cover the cost of your visits, labs, and medications. While the 1917 Clinic isn't equipped to do this yet, our team can help you find a location that makes PrEP affordable for you.
How does the 1917 PrEP Clinic work?
Interested individuals should call the 1917 PrEP Clinic Manager, Michael, (205-975-0840), to determine if the 1917 PrEP Clinic is the best fit for them. After eligibility is determined, an in-take visit will be scheduled to talk more about all available PrEP options, review details about the 1917 PrEP Clinic, and draw labs (including a full STI panel for chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, and HIV, plus safety labs and a a hepatitis panel). Following the in-take visit, you will return to clinic for your first appointment with one of our attending physicians where you will review your labwork and receive your prescription. Depending on the medication you start, you will return between 2 and 3 months for follow-up labs and visits.
Interested in learning more or scheduling an appointment?
Contact PrEP Clinic Manager Michael Fordham at 205-975-0840 for more information and to see if the 1917 PrEP Clinic is a good match for you.