Building the FutureJanuary 27, 2025The UAB campus is rapidly being reimagined through numerous new construction and building renovation projects. These include projects that directly support the goals of UAB’s Forging Ahead strate...
Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Sciences launches cutting-edge Ph.D. program in biomedical and health informaticsJanuary 21, 2025The Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Sciences is proud to announce the launch of its new Ph.D. program in Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI-PhD). This interdisciplinary program is...
Colicchio elected Fellow of the American Medical Informatics AssociationNovember 20, 2024UAB Heersink School of Medicine is delighted to announce that Tiago Colicchio, Ph.D., has been elected as a Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association (FAMIA). This prestigious honor re...
Inaugural AI in Medicine and Nursing Symposium hosted at UABNovember 18, 2024The AI in Medicine and Nursing Symposium, hosted by the UAB Heersink School of Medicine, UAB Medicine, UAB School of Health Professions, UAB School of Nursing, and Maastricht University Faculty of ...
Heersink School of Medicine honors 8 faculty with Endowed Chairs and ProfessorshipsOctober 30, 2024The Heersink School of Medicine honored the achievements of eight esteemed faculty members during the Fall 2024 Endowed Chairs and Professorships Reception, held Oct. 29 at the Wallace Tumor Instit...
Cimino to deliver closing keynote at AMIA 2024 Annual SymposiumOctober 28, 2024James Cimino, M.D., distinguished professor of Medicine and chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, will deliver the closing k...
Faculty members receive funding for breast-conserving effortsOctober 15, 2024The Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama has approved funding for a research grant effort led by Jin Chen, Ph.D., and John Osborne, Ph.D.
New electronic health record platform to aid informatics researchOctober 15, 2024The University of Alabama (UA) System Board of Trustees unanimously approved plans for the UAB Health System to transition to a new electronic health record (EHR) platform, EPIC, for electronic hea...
Department chair attends NLM Board of Regents meetingSeptember 23, 2024James Cimino, M.D., chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science, attended the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) Board of Regents meeting. National Institutes of Health (...
SPARC director organizes international health day eventSeptember 19, 2024Jake Chen, Ph.D., director of the Systems AI Pharmacology Research Center (SPARC), played a key role in organizing the HealthDay event at Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) 2024 in Barcelona...
Undergrad student excels at UAB Summer Research AcademyAugust 27, 2024Senior bioinformatics student Melissa Mercer recently participated in the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Summer Research Academy, an undergraduate program offering summer scholarships for ...
Faculty member welcomes new postdoctoral fellowAugust 27, 2024Congratulations to professor Tiago Colicchio, Ph.D., MBA, who recently welcomed a new postdoctoral fellow, Jakir Masud, Ph.D.
New vice chair of education namedAugust 27, 2024Congratulations to Jin Chen, Ph.D., who will serve as the vice chair of Education for the UAB Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science. Chen will manage the educational programs f...
Faculty member's posters accepted for AMIAAugust 27, 2024John D. Osborne, Ph.D., assistant professor of the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science, had multiple papers accepted as poster presentations for the upcoming November AMIA Symposi...
DBIDS chair to close AMIA symposiumAugust 27, 2024Distinguished professor of Medicine and chair of the UAB Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science, James Cimino, MD, will be the closing keynote speaker at the American Medical Informa...
AMIA 2024 Annual Symposium highlights biomedical informatics transformative role in the future of health careJune 28, 2024The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2024 Annual Symposium, held November 9-13 in San Francisco, brought together thousands of leaders, researchers, and professionals in the biomedic...
Research group uses text analytics for cohort developmentJune 21, 2024Director of Clinical Research Informatics Matthew Wyatt and his Research Data Group team are now able to obtain previously unavailable variables in electronic health records through the use of text...
DBIDS faculty member joins NIH grantJune 21, 2024Professor of Microbiology Alexander Rosenberg, Ph.D., will be part of a research team studying T and B tissue-resident memory cells, known as TRM and BRM cells, as part of a five-year, $18.5 millio...
UAB’s 12 new construction and renovation projects transforming campus, supporting strategic initiativesJune 10, 2024UAB’s strategic planning continues to blaze its path to improve more lives by leveraging construction projects that include new and enhanced facilities across the institution, blooming green spac...
AMIA clinical informatics conference explores practice-ready solutionsMay 23, 2024James Cimino, M.D., treasurer of the American Medical Informatics Association’s (AMIA) Board of Directors, attended their most recent meeting along with the first day of AMIA’s Clinical Informa...
DBIDS chair attends innovation collaborativeMay 23, 2024James Cimino, M.D., distinguished professor of Medicine and chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science, recently attended the annual meeting of the Clinical Decision Support...
DBIDS to contribute to R21 grantMay 22, 2024Assistant professor of medicine John D. Osborne, Ph.D., will contribute to the R21 grant “Comprehensive Assessment of Delirium Risk due to Medications.”
Faculty member provides insight into clinical research applicationsMay 22, 2024John D. Osborne, Ph.D., assistant professor of the Department of Medicine, provided a presentation as part of the Clinical and Translational Science Training Program (CTSTP).
Bridge2AI open house addresses AI/ML ethical dilemmasMay 22, 2024Members of the Bridge2Ai Consortium attended the inaugural NIH Bridge2AI All-Hands Meeting in Bethesda, Maryland.
ATTIS highlights recent trends in AI and drug discoveryMay 16, 2024The 8th Annual Translational and Transformative Informatics Symposium (ATTIS) was held at the Margaret Cameron Spain Auditorium on May 3. This year’s symposium, theme was “Drug Discovery in AI,...
Chen to lead new NIH Integration Center for the Common Fund Data EcosystemsApril 19, 2024With this collaborative effort, the profile of UAB within biomedical data science and future data-driven medicine will be significantly raised on a national stage.
SPARC representatives excel at MCBIOS 2024April 5, 2024Members of the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s (UAB) Systems Pharmacology AI Research Center (SPARC) provided presentations and talks at the 20th edition of the MidSouth Computational Biolo...
UAB’s Jake Chen to lead new National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Integration Center for the Common Fund Data EcosystemsMarch 14, 2024The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has been awarded a U54 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and their initiative, the Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE). The grant, $9.5 ...
Founder of drug discovery firm joins SPARCMarch 6, 2024Lurong Pan, Ph.D., found of Ainnonence, Inc., a drug discovery firm that looked to accelerate drug discovery efforts through comprehensive models, has joined the Systems Pharmacology AI Research Ce...
Informatics award highlights research in cancer algorithmsAugust 17, 2023John Osborne, Ph.D., assistant professor of Medicine at the Informatics Institute, recently received a notice of award for a U24 supplement to develop a cancer algorithm predicting the severity of ...