Pediatric Rheumatology diagnoses and treats children with autoimmune disorders, including juvenile arthritis, lupus, myositis, scleroderma, and various vasculitides. A variety of treatment options are available from intraarticular corticosteroid joint injections to newer biologic agents that target inflammatory cytokines. Research in the division covers basic mechanisms of T lymphocyte function, translational studies of the role of the microbiome in spondyloarthritis, clinical studies of temporomandibular joint arthritis and macrophage activation syndrome, and several projects aimed at optimizing the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).
Division Overview
The Division of Pediatric Rheumatology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham/Children's Hospital of Alabama was created in the summer of 2007 in response to a great need for pediatric rheumatic care in the state of Alabama, the largest state population without a Pediatric Rheumatologist at the time. A partnership among the University, the Children's Hospital, the local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, and the greater Birmingham community helped to establish new clinic space, the creation of an endowed chair in Pediatric Rheumatology, and ongoing support for the growth of the Division of Pediatric Rheumatology. The Division maintains strong ties with the Arthritis Foundation local chapter and the outstanding adult Rheumatology division at UAB.
There are currently 5 clinical faculty members and 4 Pediatric Rheumatology nurse practitioners with ongoing recruiting efforts to expand the physician-scientist base of the Division of Pediatric Rheumatology. Overriding goals of the division are to: 1) provide state of the art care to all children with rheumatic disorders in Alabama and the surrounds; 2) conduct well-funded cutting edge research in the basic, clinical, and translational sciences as they relate to rheumatology and immunology; 3) educate the medical and lay communities in Alabama regarding diagnosis and management of pediatric rheumatic diseases; and 4) train additional Pediatric Rheumatologists to further populate the southeastern United States via an ACGME-accredited Pediatric Rheumatology training program (approved in 2009).
Patient Care
Clinically, Pediatric Rheumatology diagnoses and treats children with autoimmune disorders, including but not limited to:
juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
polyarticular (RF+ and RF-negative)
enthesitis related, including inflammatory bowel related
reactive arthritis
juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (jSLE)
Sjogren disease
mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)
juvenile dermatomyositis (JDMS) and polymyositis
linear scleroderma and morphea
systemic sclerosis
various vasculitides (HSP, PAN, Kawasaki, Wegener, Takayasu, polyangiitis, Behcet, etc.)
periodic fever syndromes (TRAPS, FMF, Hyper IgD, PFAPA, etc.)
autoimmune sensorineuronal hearing loss
autoimmune uveitis/iritis
macrophage activation syndrome (MAS)
relapsing polychondritis
autoinflammatory disorders (including CRMO)
Click here for more information about the clinical services Pediatric Rheumatology provides.
Support UAB/Children's Pediatric Rheumatology
Through the generous financial support of foundations, patients and their families, and individuals, coupled with the strong support of UAB leaders, we are making excellent progress toward garnering the financial support needed to allow optimal growth of our basic, translational, and clinical research programs and our clinical endeavors. This support comes in the form of endowments, funds for development of pilot projects and exploration of novel ideas, and to support our mission of educating the next generation of clinicians and investigators in rheumatic diseases. In addition, this support will also accelerate our research efforts to better understand the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases and develop more effective strategies to diagnose, treat, and ultimately cure or prevent these diseases.
The Goal of The Arthritis Foundation, Alabama Chapter Endowed Chair in Pediatric Rheumatology, is to provide support to the division of Pediatric Rheumatology in terms of clinical, translational, and basic science research support, support and recruitment of clinical scientist faculty members, and support of educational efforts, particularly as it relates to training the next generation of Pediatric Rheumatologists in the southeastern United States through our accredited Pediatric Rheumatology Fellowship training program.
To Contribute to the Arthritis Foundation, Alabama Chapter Endowed Chair in Pediatric Rheumatology, click on the icon below
Faculty & Staff
Division Director
Faculty List
Jamelle Maxwell, RN, Department Director
Erin Carr, RN, Clinic Coordinator
Jennifer Haithcoat, RN
Laura King, RN
Kayla Patterson, RN
Isabella Robles-Sanchez, RN
Kelsey Haynes, RN
Linda McAllister, CRNP
Annelle Reed, CRNP
Carolyn Smith, CRNP
Bethany Walker, CRNP
Clinical Social Worker
Ashley McCamy
Research Coordinator
Livie Timmerman
Office Staff
Kim Jerkins, Administrative Supervisor
Joanne Zech, Office Service Specialist III
Anuradha Mamidi, Office Service Specialist III
Nicole Lewis - Clinical Administrative Associate