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Title of Protocol:

Improving Scientific Rigor of Renal Clinical Endpoints for Sickle Cell Anemia

Purpose/Objective of Study:

The primary purpose of this study is to investigate a method that may help develop a better way to monitor kidney function and understand how sickle cell impacts the kidneys.

Study Agent(s) and Mechanism of Drug Action/Device Description:

The medication used in this study is lohexol, an iodine based dye, which is the standard contrast used to measure kidney function.

Toxicities/Side Effects:

Some common side effects include flushing, pain and bleeding or infection at the infection site, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, itching, pale skin color, sweating, metallic taste, weakness, visual disturbances, lower or high blood pressure, fast or slow heart rate and allergic reaction.

Time Committment: 2 study visits over one year

Contact Us

Contact Us

Jeffery Lebensburger, MD (contact PI)

Jeanine Dumas(Pediatrics Site Coordinator)

Jill Hancock (Adult Site Coordinator)


Title of Protocol:

Sickle Cell Disease and CardiovAscular Risk - Red cell Exchange Trial (SCD-CARRE)

Purpose/Objective of Study:

The purpose of this study is to see the effects of giving long-term red blood cell exchange transfusion to patients with sickle cell disease.

Study Agent(s) and Mechanism of Drug Action/Device Description:

No study agents administered in this trial.

Toxicities/Side Effects:

There are no more risks associated with this trial than when blood transfusions are given for standard of care.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Julie Kanter, MD (contact PI)

Emily Warner (Clinical Research Administrative Manager)

Ramona Colvin (Site Coordinator)