Displaying items by tag: college of arts and sciences

UAB students present a play as part of the community stories captured in The Imaginarium Chronicles service project to remind of the need for dementia care for the aging population.

Drowning is the leading cause of injury, death in young children; a UAB expert shared simple steps to prevent accidents.
The work, by UAB Music’s William Price, was selected for inclusion in the two-day festival based on an international open call for works.

Meghan Ange and Amber Hill, both senior biology scholar students at UAB, were selected by Teach for America

UAB researchers uncover hidden channels to trigger mobile malware that could lead to targeted attacks.

For “The Shrine of the Most Glorious Future,” Wilson’s “followers” will demonstrate their rituals at the show’s free opening reception.

Painting Professor Gary Chapman will have his work featured in one solo show and one duo show, in north Alabama galleries this summer.

The goal is to predict how rare earth metals, used in many applications including cell phones, will behave when subjected to extreme environments.

UAB biologist Charles Amsler to join NSF’s Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems (AOE) program as a rotator for the Division of Polar Programs (POLAR).

UAB launches Malcovery; new company detects cyber threats, neutralizes attacks, minimizes losses for groups in danger of malware attackers.

Robert E. Palazzo, Ph.D., former UAB College of Arts and Sciences interim dean has been named CAS dean.

After beginning his theater career at UAB while still in high school, Corner’s Kevin Allinder is now graduating and moving forward to grad school.

A graphic design student has made her schoolwork “work” for her, as she graduates and starts her own small business with good taste and big dreams.

The manual provides practical information on how to plan, implement and evaluate a pedestrian safety program.

Al-Farhan, an international studies major with a double minor in Spanish and communications raises awareness about anti-migrant legislation.

The fifth annual multidisciplinary competition featured 24 teams of undergraduate, graduate and professional school students from multiple academic disciplines.

The expo gives young researchers experience presenting their ideas and promotes dialogue among disciplines.

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