Displaying items by tag: school of medicine

UAB’s Karan Singh has been selected as an American Statistical Association Fellow and recognized as a foremost member in the field of statistical science.
The new Alabama Network for Women Leaders in Higher Education is part of the American Council on Education’s Women’s Network, a national system of state networks focused on advancing and supporting women in higher education.
Top physician-scientist tapped to succeed Kirby Bland as chair of the UAB Department of Surgery.
Environmental factors like pool and ocean water seem harmless, but they can actually affect eye health. UAB experts break down how to stay safe this season.
Macrophage cells require agility to scavenge and digest dead cells and prevent an immune response to self. In lupus, the macrophages lose that agility.
Deadlines for abstracts are set for early fall and are open to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows and residents.
Join a UAB team or create a team for the annual walk, which helps raise funds for research efforts.
Boni Elewski, M.D., and Wendy Cantrell, DNP, pursue research and therapies that bring new drugs to market and change patients’ lives.
Cardiologist Kevin Sublett will oversee the nationally accredited UAB Heart and Vascular Clinic of Central Alabama.
This improvement in cognition persists despite a high-glycemic-index diet, a possible risk factor for Alzheimer’s.
A national expert in the biomedical engineering field will chair UAB’s joint department beginning Oct. 1.

HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death worldwide for women ages 15-44 years, and UAB serves as a site for the latest study by the Microbicide Trials Network, which has previously studied this new approach with positive results in other female age groups.

INFOGRAPHIC: See our quick guide to causes and treatments for low diastolic blood pressure.
UAB pathologist also leads a trainee in producing software to improve the quality and efficiency of perinatal autopsies.
A UAB scientist has received a prestigious international award for contributions to biobanking.
A UAB study to explore the effects of intraocular pressure fluctuations on glaucoma receives federal funding.
Bradley Barnes, Ph.D., will provide executive leadership and coordinate a comprehensive enrollment management unit to develop strategies focused on student recruitment, admissions, retention and persistence to graduation.
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