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Stuart J. Frank, M.D.

Phone: (205) 934-9877
Fax: (205) 934-4389
E-mail: sjfrank@uab.edu


Chad Hunter, Ph.D.

Phone: (205) 975-6359
Lab: (205) 934-7606
E-mail: chadhunter@uabmc.edu

Our DRC emphasizes the pilot and feasibility grant program as an important mechanism to augment diabetes research and promote the next generation of research leaders. The P&F process taps a rich tradition of such programs at UAB. University-wide centers have long provided pilot funding opportunities to junior faculty and to senior faculty entering new areas of research. The P&F program will foster new research programs in diabetes and support a broad base of basic, clinical, translational, and prevention and control projects.

The process for applying for the DRC Pilot and Feasibility Grant is meant to mimic, in some ways, the application process for an NIH Grant.  The idea is to give experience and practice for those who haven’t written yet or who have written a few NIH proposals.  Examples of the necessary documents with pertinent UAB specific information are below.  A very thorough Resources section for all of our DRC Cores is in the example.  The UAB Office of Sponsored Programs website, Researcher’s Toolkit has information such as the Finance & Administrative rate agreement (Indirect Cost rate) and Fringe Benefit rates which change frequently.

Office of Sponsored Programs, Researcher’s Toolkit

PHS 398 forms example (docx)

RFA for Diabetes Pilot Grant Program 2024 (PDF)

Apply For P&F award


In October of every year a campus-wide request for applications (RFA) is sent to seek proposals from (i) junior investigators; (ii) established investigators in fields other than diabetes research that seek to bring expertise to issues relevant for diabetes for the first time; (iii) investigators in diabetes-related research who propose high-impact/high-risk projects to test truly innovative ideas that clearly depart from ongoing research interests; and (iv) a special category for multidisciplinary projects, added in part by leveraging institutional support for pilot projects that involve both basic and clinical scientists who combine efforts in "translational" research protocols. Awardees have used P&F funding to develop preliminary data sufficient to pursue larger, more comprehensive funding initiatives.
Our aims are to:

  1. Identify and support new outstanding and innovative research projects for pilot funding, intending that resulting data will facilitate larger longer-term extramural support and develop news line of investigation.
  2. Support promising junior faculty in career development through funding of outstanding pilot research.
  3. Augment the breadth and quality of DRC research through highly innovative projects of established researchers in fields other than diabetes who bring valuable expertise to the study of diabetes, or of established diabetes investigators testing new high-impact hypotheses distinct from their usual investigation.
  4. Increase the number of independent investigators funded by NIH to conduct diabetes research


  • 2023 Awardees

    Principal Investigator P.I. Department Clinical or Basic Project Title Dollars Awarded
    Plaisance, Eric, PhD Associate Professor, Depart. Nutrition Sciences Basic Role of exogenous ketone esters on hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism $45,000
    Bril, Fernando, MD Assistant Professor, Endocrinology  & Diabetes Clinical Hyperglycemia-induced Hepatic Mitochondrial Dysfunction Explains Worse Liver Histology in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Type 2 Diabetes $45,000
    Arthur, Edmund, OD, PhD, FAAO Assistant Professor, Department of Optometry and Vision Science Clinical Quantifying Differences in the Retinal Peripheral Capillary Free Zones in Diabetic Retinopathy $45,000
    He, Ming, MD, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology Basic Histone H3 O-GlcNAcylation in Endothelial Cells Contributes to Diabetes-accelerated Atherosclerosis $45,000
    Nanda, Vivek, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology Basic Role of Lmod1 in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Impaired Ischemic Neovessel maturation $45,000
  • 2022 Awardees

    Principal Investigator P.I. Department Clinical or Basic Project Title Dollars Awarded
    Bibb, James, PhD Professor and Vice Chair, General Surgery Gastrointestinal Section Basic Antibiotic Treatment of Stress-High Sugar Diet-Linked Anxiodepression $50,000
    Grant, Maria B., MD, FARVO (PI) Professor, Department of Ophthalmology Basic The role of hypothalamic somatostatin in the regulation of the brain-adipose axis in the high fat diet (HFD) mouse model $50,000
    Ramanadham, Sasanka (PI) Professor, Department of Cell, Developmental, and Integrative Biology Basic Lipid-Signaling to Novel Epigenetic Transcriptional Events (Yr02) $50,000
    Schmitt. Jessica, MD Assistant Professor, Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinical Use of Continuous Glucose Monitors to improve outcome in Youth with Pre-Diabetes. $50,000
    Wajapeyee, Narendra, PhD Professor and Vice Chair, Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics Basic Chromatin modifiers as Regulators of Insulin Signaling and Insulin Resistance $50,000
  • 2021 Awardees

    Principal Investigator Department Project Title Dollars Awarded
    Paula Chandler-Laney, PhD Professor, Department of Nutrtion Sciences Identifying cardiometabolic biomarkers of executive dysfunction in children $50,000
    Scott Ballinger, PhD Professor, Department of Pathology, Division of Molecular and Cellular Pathology Podocyte-specific Insulin Receptor Deficiency in Ischemic Acute Kidney Injury $50,000
    Andrew Hardaway, PhD Associate Professor, Psychiatryand Behavioral Neurobiology Insulin Receptor Modulation of the Central Amygdala $50,000
    Carrie Howell, PhD Clinical Research Scientist, Department of Medicine, Division of Preventive Medicine Social Determinant of Health (SDoH) Phenotypes and Type 2 Diabetes: Harnessing Data to Develop Targeted Interventions $50,000
    Sushant Bhatnagar, PhD Assistant Professor, Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Identify Secreted Protein Regulators that Affect Islet Function in Human Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) using Network Analysis on Combined Public Omic Data Sets $50,000
  • 2020 Awardees

    Principal Investigator Department Project Title Dollars Awarded
    Grant, Maria, MD Ophthalmology Identifying cardiometabolic biomarkers of executive dysfunction in children $50,000
    Marshall, Caroline B., MD Medicine, Division  of Nephrology Podocyte-specific Insulin Receptor Deficiency in Ischemic Acute Kidney Injury $50,000
    Gorbatyuk, Marina, PhD Optometry and Vision Science Target validation for diabetic retinopathy $50,000
    Williams, Jessica, PhD Health Services Administration Clinician Implicit Bias and Perceived Barriers to Medication Intensification: A Pilot & Feasibility Study $50,000
    Xie, Min, MD, PhD Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Disease HDAC Upregulation by Chronic Beta-Hydroybutyrate Exposure Exacerbates Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury During Diabetes Mellitus $50,000
  • 2019 Awardees

    Principal Investigator Department Project Title Dollars Awarded
    Gowey, Marissa, PhD Med - Pediatrics Identifying cardiometabolic biomarkers of executive dysfunction in children $50,000
    Li Li, MD, PhD Psych - Behavioral Neurobiology Characterize Cardiometabolic Risks in Adolescents: Impact of Early Life Stress $50,000
    Mehta, Tapan, PhD, MSEE Health Services Administration Cardiometabolic Disease Staging System to Improve Medical Management of Obesity and Diabetes in Primary Care Settings: A Feasibility Study. $50,000
    Presley, Caroline, PhD Preventive Medicine Mindfullness, Emotional Distress, and Diabetes Self-management Behaviors in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. $50,000
    Ramanadham, Sasanka, PhD
    Hunter, Chad, PhD
    Wende, Adam, PhD
    Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Linking Novel Lipid-Signaling with Transcriptional Events $50,000
  • 2018 Awardees

    Principal Investigator Department Project Title Dollars Awarded
    De Miguel, Carmen, PhD Medicine/Division of Nephrology The roles of miR-150 and miR-145 in adipocyte lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis  $48,000
    Nagareddy, Prabhakara R. PhD Nutrition Sciences Mechanisms of S100A8/A9 regulation in  diabetic neutrophils $48,000
    Peterson, Courtney, PhD Nutrition Sciences Effect of whole fruit on glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes $48,000
    Thirumalai, Mohanraj, PhD Health Services Administration An artificial intelligence assisted telehealth intervention to promote self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus $48,000
    Willig, Amanda PhD Medicine/ Division of Infectious Diseases Improving the quality of food assistance for people living with HIV and diabetes $48,000
  • 2017 Awardees

    Principal Investigator Department Project Title Dollars Awarded
    Banerjee, Ronadip R., PhD Medicine - Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Molecular Mechanisms of Pancreatic β-cell Metabolic Adaptation During Pregnancy $40,000
    Bhatnagar, Sushant, PhD Medicine - Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism The role of C1ql3 secreted protein in insulin secretion from pancreatic islets. $40,000
    Chen, Ching-Yi, PhD Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics The roles of miR-150 and miR-145 in adipocyte lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis $20,000
  • 2016 Awardees

    Principal Investigator Department Project Title Dollars Awarded
    hevde-Samant, Lalita, PhD Pathology Investigating the nexus of diabetes and Hedgehog signaling in triple-negative breast cancer $25,000
    Xu, Guanlan Medicine - Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Role of miR-204 in regulating beta cell unfolded protein response and apoptosis in diabetes $45,000
    Yang, Qinglin, PhD Nutrition Sciences Define a novel approach preserving pancreatic beta-cells in diabetes $45,000
    Goss, Amy Miskimon, PhD, RD Nutrition Sciences Carbohydrate restricted diet to reverse fatty liver in adolescents with obesity $45,000




Stuart J. Frank, M.D.

Phone: (205) 934-9877
Fax: (205) 934-4389
E-mail: sjfrank@uab.edu


Chad Hunter, Ph.D.

Phone: (205) 975-6359
Lab: (205) 934-7606
E-mail: chadhunter@uabmc.edu

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