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Philosophy students having a classroom discussion.The Philosophy Honors Track is designed for highly qualified, motivated philosophy majors. If admitted to the program, you will be prepared for in-depth philosophical research and related graduate and professional opportunities through enhanced course requirements and a directed honors thesis.


To be accepted into the Philosophy Honors Track, a student must:

  • be a philosophy major
  • have at least sophomore standing
  • have completed at least 9 hours in UAB philosophy courses
  • have and maintain at least a 3.5 GPA in UAB philosophy course work
  • submit a formal application for Honors in Philosophy to the department chair.

Please note that being admitted to the Honors Track is not a guarantee that you will be allowed to write an honors thesis. Ideally you will already have a paper from a previous course that can be developed into an honors thesis.

Honors Program Applications

You can pick up an application from the department office or by downloading the pdf. You should identify a faculty sponsor who will recommend you for the program.

It is the chair's responsibility to formally approve admission into the track. Admission, which can be expected by any student who meets the eligibility requirements, is acknowledged by a letter of invitation to the student to join. If you later decide to move or return to the general track, simply tell the chair.