Explore UAB

A groups of students walking down a set of stairs outside, next to a pond.You may be asking: “But what do I actually do as a Philosophy Major?” For students, their friends and family members, and strangers they meet on planes, this is the most frequently asked question about being a philosophy student. You’ve taken a class or two in philosophy and you’ve loved the experience, but you’re not sure how far to go. Where do you find other people who also want to talk about paradoxes and dilemmas? And if you do become a philosophy major, how do you get more involved? And what plan should you be making for your future when you graduate with a philosophy degree?

Explore the resources here to find out about what life is like as a Philosophy Major at UAB. Do you like casual philosophical conversation? Check out the Philosophy Club! Prefer a more competitive atmosphere? Check out the Ethics Bowl! Want to keep up with department events, people, and philosophical humor? Follow @uabphilosophy on Instagram! Whatever your interests and wherever you are in your degree path, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved, share class recommendations, hear what others are doing with their time here and in their post-graduation lives, and generally get a feel for what philosophy looks like outside the walls of the classroom.

Student Testimonials

  • I have really appreciated the professors I have had - they all seem to genuinely care about their students and provide helpful feedback that lets me improve my writing and argumentation. I also think philosophy classes have some of the coolest and kindest students in them and have met some really close friends because of UAB’s philosophy department.

    – Cecilia Ballinger ’21

  • I have loved how every course has taught me to be charitable to views different than mine and to respect and regard these views as if they were my own.

    – Kc Carter ’21

  • It's truly hard to pick one thing. The opportunities for close mentorship with spectacular faculty has been one of the most important parts of my education, and I have loved the wonderful students that I have met in the program. UAB's department also encourages a holistic and collaborative approach to philosophy, which is not found in most spaces, and I find that truly valuable. I have made lifelong friends here, and I will always see my time in UAB's department as one of the crucial formative experiences of my life as a student and person.

    – Parker Rose ’21

  • The professors are so knowledgeable and encouraging. Also the Ethics Bowl team is great!

    – Mohammad Waqas ’21

  • The diversity of study topics! I love learning a wide variety of things, and with philosophy I’ve gotten to learn about and think deeply about everything from basic computer science to organ transplants to the First Amendment.

    – Carley Snidow ’21

  • Broadening my perspective on a variety of issues depending on the class.

    – Karthik Sadanand ‘21

  • Brynn Welch! If Dr. Welch wasn't at UAB I wouldn't be a philosophy major.
    I owe her so much.

    – Zahrah Abdulrauf ’21

  • I have loved learning about bioethics. As a future physician, it has helped me understand more about patients and how to best understand and treat them.

    – Harley Grayson ’21 

  • As a pre-medical student, I truly appreciate how my professors have made the information relevant and personal to my interest in both philosophy and life sciences. They are extremely supportive, kind, and have always pushed me both in my classes and in my outside philosophy endeavors.

    – Tanvee Sinha ’21