Explore UAB

Adam D. Smith

Mentor: Dr. Cheng-Chien Chen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Missouri, where I gained hands-on experience in various areas of physics research. During my undergraduate studies, I collaborated with experimental physicists to study the properties of nanoporous carbons and their potential applications in low-pressure, high-capacity natural gas storage. I also contributed to the thin-film deposition and characterization of topological insulators through MBE/ARPES techniques.

After completing my Bachelor's degree, I joined Luna Labs Inc. in Charlottesville, VA, as a member of the Materials Systems R&D group. There, I worked on several Department of Energy projects related to CO2 capture through membrane gas separation.

Presently, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Computational Condensed Matter Physics under the guidance of Dr. Cheng-Chien Chen. My current research focuses on utilizing high-throughput computation and crystal graph neural networks to speed up the discovery of novel superconductors. I am excited about the potential impact of my research in the field of materials physics, and the ways we leverage the properties of materials to make processes more sustainable.