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About the Program

You've got a pretty good knowledge of how a lot of stuff's made, but now you want to take your education to the next level. In this program, we want to build on what you learned in undergrad and prepare you for a career as a developer, consultant, or other position.

To set you up for success in the real world, we've made research an integral part of our program. You'll be working with metals and alloys, polymers and composites, biomaterials, healthcare materials and devices, ceramics and glass, and nanomaterials for a wide array of applications. This is in addition to your coursework, which will include classes such as Nanobiomaterials, Metals and Alloys, and Mechanical Behavior of Materials. Finally, depending on your individual goals, we have three different ways for you to earn your degree. For one, you'll research, prepare, and defend a thesis. You also have two non-thesis options: one with an emphasis on research and design, and the other emphasizing technology and engineering management. Each of these require research and a comprehensive exam to graduate.


  • Engineering Management Emphasis
  • Research Design

Delivery Methods


This program delivers most of its content via on-campus, in-person meetings.

Program Director

Dr. Vinoy Thomas

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