Explore UAB

Closing UAB for severe weather is not a simple process and can be frustrating for students, faculty, staff, patients and guests, waiting to know what to do. UAB administration understands the challenges facing members of the UAB campus community and works to err on the side of caution and provide updates as soon as possible.

If danger is imminent, UAB Emergency Management will issue a B-Alert emergency notification as quickly as possible.

When a closing for possible severe weather is being considered, university and Health System emergency management professionals are in contact with the National Weather Service, gathering general information about the weather event and having conversations specific to UAB regarding the time, location and severity of potential impact. Emergency management professionals also work with local meteorologists directly for additional information/opinion/context.

Administrators gather information and schedules for campus activities and classes, as well as information about locations to/from which faculty, staff and students travel.

Emergency Management professionals and key administrators make recommendations to the university president, Health System leadership, and administrators who make decisions regarding the closing of academic and clinical functions.

Decisions are communicated as quickly as possible using the B-Alert emergency notification system, social media and uab.edu/emergency, as well as notifications sent to local news media outlets.

Emergency? Dial 911

Campus Police: 205-934-3535

Emergency Status:

UAB Help Phones

Campus Emergency Management: safety@uab.edu

Health System Emergency Management:

B-Alert Registration

rave guardian logo 23x22Rave Guardian App:

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Storm Ready University

Emergency? Dial 911

Campus Police: 205-934-3535

Emergency Status:

UAB Help Phones

Campus Emergency Management: safety@uab.edu

Health System Emergency Management:

B-Alert Registration

rave guardian logo 23x22Rave Guardian App:

apple logo clear bg 12x15 BIn App Store google play store logo clear bg 15x15In Google Play

Storm Ready University