Meet the Chiefs: Chris Blakely, M.D.
We asked our 2016-17 chief residents to share their thoughts on the job. Meet Chris Blakely, M.D.
Korbe Cup Charity Golf Tournament
We held the annual Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine golf tournament Saturday, May 6th. Four teams competed in the scramble, and Sam Korbe's dominance of the event finally ended.
Meet the Chiefs: Michael Chestnut, M.D.
We asked our 2016-17 chief residents to share their thoughts on the job. Meet Michael Chestnut, M.D.
Pain Clinic Featured in B-Metro magazine
From Left: Alethia Baldwin Sellers, MD, MSQ; Brandon S. Brooks, MD; Prentiss Lawson, Jr., MD; Peter Nagi, MD; Marcia J. Howton, MD; Virginia Hazelrig Allred, MSN, CRNP; James Weisberg, PhD; Amy Kennedy, MSN, CRNP; Ryan Almeida, MD; Roland Short, MD.Our physicians and nurse practitioners from the UAB Pain Treatment Clinic were recently in B-Metro magazine. What a talented and great-looking bunch!
Gu Named Endowed Chair
Dr. Jianguo Gu, M.B., Ph.D., who held the title of Edward A. Ernst, M.D., Endowed Professor, now holds the title of Edward A. Ernst, M.D., Ph.D., Endowed Chair in Anesthesiology.
Difficult Airway Workshop 2017
The department hosted its Difficult Airway Workshop Saturday, February 4, on the 9th floor of Jefferson Tower. The annual event, which has been held for more than a decade, drew a crowd of 67 UAB faculty, CRNAs, SRNAs, residents, and fellows. It also included eight industry vendors.
Research Program Now Ranked 10th Among U.S. Anesthesiology Departments
Congratulations to our Division of Molecular and Translational Biomedicine. According to the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research, which tracks National Institutes of Health funding, our department now ranks 10th among U.S. anesthesiology departments.