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Bateni SarahAssistant Professor
Committee Member, Surgical Grand Rounds

Areas of Interest 
skin and soft tissue malignancies including melanoma, nonmelanoma skin cancers, retroperitoneal and extremity sarcoma, and neuroendocrine tumors



Dr. Sarah Bateni joined the faculty of the UAB Department of Surgery as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Surgical Oncology in October 2022. She treats skin and soft tissue malignancies including melanoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, advanced basal cell carcinoma, extremity, and retroperitoneal sarcoma, and small bowel neuroendocrine tumors. She is a health services and outcomes researcher with a focus on clinical and patient-reported outcomes in patients with advanced cancer.

Dr. Bateni completed her medical degree and residency in general surgery at the University of California, Davis. During this time, she completed a fellowship in Quality, Safety, and Comparative Effectiveness Research and a Master’s degree in clinical research in which she developed expertise in population-based health services and comparative effectiveness research. She subsequently completed her training in complex general surgical oncology at the University of Toronto.

Select Publications

Bateni, SB, Coburn, NG, Law, CHL, Singh, S, Myrehaug, S, Assal A, Hallet, J. Incidence and Predictors of Second Primary Cancers in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors. JAMA Oncology. 2021. PMID 34591069.

Bateni, SB, Gingrich, AA, Kirane, AR, Sauder, CAM, Gholami, S, Bold, RJ, Meyers, FJ,
Canter, RJ. Chemotherapy after Diagnosis of Malignant Bowel Obstruction is Associated
with Greater Survival in Medicare Patients with Advanced Malignancy. Annals of Surgical
Oncology. 2021. PMID 33829359

Bateni, SB, Bold, RJ, Stewart, SL, Meyers, FJ, & Canter, RJ. Hospital Utilization and
Disposition among Patients with Malignant Bowel Obstruction: A Population-Based
Comparison of Surgical to Medical Management. BMC Cancer. 2018. PMID: 30477454

Bateni, SB, Meyers, FJ, Canter, RJ, & Bold, RJ. Palliative Care Training and Decision
Making for Advanced Cancer Patients: A Comparison of Surgeons and Medical Physicians.
Surgery. 2018. PMID: 29709369.Bateni, SB, Perry, LM, Zhao, X, Arora, M, Daly, ME, Stewart, SL, Bold, RJ, Canter, RJ, & Sauder, CAM. The Role of Radiation therapy in Addition to Lumpectomy and Hormone Therapy in Men 70 Years of Age and Older with Early Breast Cancer: A NCDB Analysis. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2020. PMID 33094375.

Bateni, SB, Gingrich, AA, Monjazeb, AM, Darrow, M, Thorpe, SW, Kirane, AR, Bold, RJ, &
Canter, RJ. Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy is Associated with R0 Resection and Overall
Survival in Extremity Soft tissue Sarcoma Patients Undergoing Surgery: A National Cancer
Database Analysis. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2017. PMID: 28741123


Graduate School
California State University, Sacramento

Master's in Social Work

University of California, Davis

Master's in Advanced Study (Clinical Research)

Medical School
University of California, Davis

University of California, Davis / UC Davis Medical Center

General Surgery

University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Complex General Surgical Oncology 


Office Address
BDB 579

Academic Office: 205-934-6574
