Displaying items by tag: release

The Center for Exercise Medicine’s annual symposium features a focus on communicating science.
This discovery may help treat patients with refractory thrombotic thrombocytopenic microangiopathy.
An anti-aging cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical company launches startup in Birmingham, Alabama, with a national leadership team.
Research shows that individuals who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder are not just war veterans, but anyone who has experienced some form of severe life trauma.
The grant will add three telehealth-equipped patient rooms at two hospitals and cover training costs for maternal-fetal ultrasound technologists.
UAB Medicine joins more than 100 health systems acknowledged as working to make high-quality care for older adults even more tailored to patients’ goals and preferences.
Finding balance through intentional movement can open a child’s eyes to a world of possibilities.
The UAB Department of Music this fall will present “Chamber Music @ AEIVA,” pianist Asiya Korepanova, Amicitia Duo, “Arias and Art Songs,” and more.
Giddens, an American artist of folk and traditional music, and Turrisi, an Italian pianist and percussionist well-versed in jazz, early and Mediterranean music, found their rhythms fit very naturally together.
For many parents, talking about surgery can be tough. UAB doctors help share tips for having these conversations.
The team has working knowledge of medicine, biology, computer science, chemistry and anatomy, with a healthy dose of Sherlock Holmes thrown in.
Sowing the Seeds of Health has served 4,000 Latina women in six counties in Alabama and continues to demonstrate the need to navigate cultural differences to raise awareness about cancer detection.
The Project Management Certification shifts its focus toward collaboration and flexibility to adapt to an ever-changing world of business.
Medical West Hospital has received state clearance to build a replacement hospital near I-459 in McCalla.
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Furnishings in an array of gold and green, an artistic display of Blaze’s flames in metal panels and a colorful terrazzo floor like a dragon’s tail creatively express the spirit of UAB.
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