Displaying items by tag: school of dentistry

All 2020 graduates and spring 2021 graduates are invited to participate. Masks will be required, and there is no limit on guests; but everyone will need to be socially distanced. Parking will be free.
Established in 2006, the awards recognize employees, students and organizations that have helped create a more culturally diverse, inclusive university community through their achievements.
A national report co-written by a UAB dentist found that dentists who were assumed to be at increased risk of COVID exposure had a less than 1 percent infection rate of COVID-19.
To protect the health of patients, students and staff, UAB’s School of Dentistry has acquired new technology to help with temperature scanning and aerosol filtration system.
GuideSafe is the uniting platform/brand for ongoing communication about COVID-19 testing, tools and actions to promote a safe entry to higher education campuses and ongoing COVID-19 monitoring for students and the community at large.
Jablonski is among 55 nurse leaders and innovators who were recognized by the journal Geriatric Nursing.
Patrick Young will combine his passion for dentistry with the business tools necessary to navigate the health care system.
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