Displaying items by tag: school of public health

Previous data has shown that areas of the south — specifically Mississippi and Alabama – are the fattest in the U.S. But new data from the REGARDS study proves this wrong.

Henry Markram, Ph.D., founded and coordinates the Blue Brain Project.

Margaret Humphreys, M.D., Ph.D., is a specialist in the history of science and medicine.

A study in mice with genetic mutations seen in human Alzheimer's disease found that the feeling of hunger itself may protect against the disease.

The 16-week program consists of bike riding and treadmill walking, as well as four overnight stays.

National Public Health Week will take place the first week of April and gives the opportunity to highlight advances across the nation. UAB will celebrate with many events.

This year's guest speaker is Donna Arnett, Ph.D., president of the American Heart Association.

A “Wicked Problem” has been described as a highly complex problem to which potential solutions require both creative and interdisciplinary thinking.

Given the opportunity to earn incentives, employees will use the stairs more often, and thus improve their health, according to UAB study.

Diet is one of many potential factors proposed to explain racial and regional differences in stroke.

Speaker Mario Drummons directs the Northern Manhattan Perinatal Partnership.

If you exercise, eat right and don’t smoke, a history of heart disease in your family can still put you at risk — even if you are a female.

Consequences of believing in obesity myths: poor policy, misguided public health advice and wasted health-care dollars.

Johns Hopkins University has elected David B. Allison, Ph.D., to its Society of Scholars.

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