Displaying items by tag: harbert institute for innovation and entrepreneurship

UAB’s newest spinoff is led by Aaron Fobian, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist whose research-backed treatment for FND has attracted attention from patients and providers around the world. Her company offers the first therapist-centered digital platform that is standardized and tailored to each individual patient’s needs at each individual session.
Published in Advances
Charles Elson, M.D., has developed an “antivaccine” that could remove the faulty memory cells that drive this autoimmune disorder. He launched ImmPrev Bio, Inc., in order to reach a first-in-human clinical trial.
Published in Achievements
Lori Edmonds, Ph.D., assistant professor in the School of Education, has an idea to combat teacher burnout as it becomes a major issue in classrooms nationwide.
Published in Awards & Honors

Emily Bruer, Amanda Dove and Dina Jones are the third-quarter 2023 honorees of the UAB Shared Values in Action Program, which honors those whose work exemplifies and embodies Forging the Future’s shared values. Nominations for fourth-quarter 2023 honorees are open through Nov. 8.

Published in Awards & Honors
To be eligible for an IEP award, an institution must first earn the IEP designation through a rigorous self-study of their economic engagement activities that includes input from external stakeholders.
Published in Campus News

A childhood illness, a year spent working for the UFC and an on-campus internship are all fueling a grad student’s goal of breaking down health care barriers through biotechnology.

Published in Achievements

Anath Shalev, M.D., did everything she could to change treatment for Type 1 diabetes from her lab, but getting to first-in-human trials meant taking a step she had always resisted. The most surprising thing about launching a startup, though? “I have enjoyed it.”

Published in Achievements
Five years after he retired from the OR, cardiothoracic surgeon James K. Kirklin, M.D., is starting a new company that will leverage his team’s research on advanced statistics and machine-learning algorithms to track and predict outcomes for high-risk patients.
Published in Achievements

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the Innovate Fellows program are trained and compensated to evaluate new inventions on campus through market, prior art and patent analyses to assess commercial merit.

Published in Funding Opportunities
New state legislation matches federal small-business grants to Alabama-based recipients. Find out how to take advantage of these opportunities in the updated UAB Startup Guide, created by the university's Entrepreneurial Development Committee.
Published in Funding Opportunities

With his idea for a coil that travels through the vasculature much like a sailboat riding the breeze, a UAB neuroradiologist has earned a commercialization grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.

Published in Achievements

Faculty, staff, student and community innovators were recognized for their 2020 contributions to COVID-19 research, innovation and entrepreneurship during the fifth annual UAB Innovation Awards presented by the Bill L. Harbert Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Oct. 29.

Published in Awards & Honors

A faculty member in the School of Health Professions turns his own experiences running research projects into a vision for a comprehensive, automated digital solution with the help of funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.

Published in Achievements

A novel detergent-like compound developed by UAB researchers that blocks HIV and HSV viruses from entering cells could have the same effect against the virus that causes COVID-19. The team is exploring the compound’s potential with a commercialization grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.

Published in Achievements

ScopeAssist, invented by a physician and an engineer, is designed to help surgeons deal with the rigors associated with endoscopic surgeries.

Published in Achievements

Doctors don’t have anything to reliably collect urine from neonates. A solution to this problem earned a commercialization grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.

Published in Achievements

The vaccine pipeline rests largely on a single tree in Chile. A sustainable, cost-effective solution from this UAB chemist earned him a commercialization grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.

Published in Achievements

Most PPE goes on the provider, not the patient. A solution to this problem from UAB faculty earned them a commercialization grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.

Published in Achievements

Projects will receive U.S. Economic Development Administration grant support for proof-of-concept and early-stage product development.

Published in Campus News

Department creates environment for entrepreneurial activity that fuels advances in artificial intelligence, cancer prediction and patient safety.

You don’t have to build a better mousetrap to move markets — discoveries, artworks, inventions and websites can all qualify for protection. Here are your rights and obligations as a UAB employee with potential IP.

Published in Benefits & Policies

UAB staff and faculty share what drives them to volunteer their time for community-focused projects like the upcoming InnoHack 2020 event.

Published in UAB in the Community

The annual UAB Innovation Awards Breakfast highlights student, faculty, staff and community innovators for their contributions to research, innovation and entrepreneurship on campus.

Published in Campus News

50thShieldONLY COLORFrom traveling to Antarctica to publishing children’s books, from taking biology educational tools to India to planting pollinator gardens on campus, women have been integral to shaping UAB’s reputation its 50-year history. As part of its annual coverage of Women’s History Month, the UAB Reporter has gathered examples of its more recent coverage of women at UAB.

Published in Achievements

The strategic plan addresses the trends and challenges facing higher education and academic medical centers and sets goals and objectives around three common themes. A new metrics dashboard offers current status and annual goals for each mission pillar.

Published in Campus News
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