Displaying items by tag: division of hematology and oncology

Geographic information systems technology is being used to study mortgage decisions, drinking behavior, environmental injustice, and the link between redlining and colon cancer. All Blazers now have free access to ArcGIS software.
Published in Tools & Technology
The UA System Board of Trustees awarded the rank of Distinguished Professor to Ravi Bhatia, Heith Copes, Craig Elmets, Denise A. Gainey, Jeffrey D. Kerby, Farah D. Lubin, Jean-François Pittet and Martin E. Young and the rank of University Professor to Peter S. Hendricks during its meetings in April and June 2023.
Published in Awards & Honors

The largest registry of U.S. children with cancer who were diagnosed with COVID-19 found an increased risk of having severe infection and having their cancer therapy modified because of COVID, underscoring the urgency of vaccinations for these children, the authors say.

Published in Research Findings

Assistant Professor Noha Sharafeldin, MBBCh, Ph.D., presented cancer-related findings from the massive N3C database of records from COVID-positive patients at 55 institutions nationwide, including UAB. Results — including a significant increase in risk of death among patients who recently had chemotherapy — were published simultaneously in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

This year, the university recognizes 50 years of service by Jeanne Hutchison, Ph.D., and Ferdinand Urthaler, M.D., and 45 years of service by Robert Kim M.D., and Joseph Lovetto. In addition, 294 employees with 20 or more years and 904 with five, 10 and 15 years will honored for their longevity.

Published in Awards & Honors
In a talk at UAB on March 6, the NIH director shared his thoughts on exceptional opportunities for science and young scientists — and highlighted several exciting UAB projects.
Published in Campus News

UAB-led study finds that genetic variations associated with cognitive decline after BMT identify high-risk patients more accurately than current methods.

An innovative study led by Luciano Costa, M.D., Ph.D., generated national buzz for its success in beating back blood cancer — and enrolling African American patients.

Published in Achievements

Single-cell sequencing enables researchers to study disease as never before — even skipping through time to follow crucial populations. UAB experts explain what all the fuss is about and how to get started in single-cell research — a field that is wide open for discovery.

Published in Core Facilities

Noha Sharafeldin, MBBCh, Ph.D., of the Institute for Cancer Outcomes and Survivorship, used UAB’s supercomputer to identify biomarkers linked with cognitive impairment in patients who received a blood or marrow transplant. She’s also testing a way to repair the damage.

Nurse practitioner details physical, emotional toll of disease in A Place I Didn't Want to Go: My Victory Over Cancer.

Published in Achievements
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