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Snapshots - SHP's Alumni Magazine

Snapshots is our bi-annual alumni magazine highlighting the amazing work and outstanding accomplishments of our alumni. If you have news to share - about you or about fellow SHP alumni  - or ideas for a story, please email us at shpalumni@uab.edu.

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SHP Fall 2018 Snapshots CoverWe always use the word family to describe our alumni. We truly feel a bond from our years together as we watched you grow as a person and develop as a leader. Then one day you graduated and left.

Now, we know you’ll be home for the holidays. Maybe not your SHP home, but still, home. While this may trigger fond memories of the past, we really hope it compels you to look ahead. We put together the feature in this Snapshots issue (page 6) to help you make the most of your future time with your family this holiday and all future holidays. Enjoy! 

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