(205) 934-2069
UBOB 313
Research Interests: Drug policy, corrections, law and society
Office Hours: By appointment
- BA, History/Political Science, Virginia Tech
- JD, The T.C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond
- MA, Criminal Justice, Radford University
- PhD, Criminology, Law and Society, University of Florida
Dr. Griffin joined the faculty at UAB in 2013. He is a criminologist and an attorney. He is co-author (with Dr. Meghan Sacks) of Correctional Fundamentals: A Narrative Approach (Carolina Academic Press, 2019), co-editor (with Dr. Vanessa Woodward) of Routledge Handbook of Corrections in the United States (Routledge, 2018), second author (with Dr. Lior Gideon) of Correctional Management and the Law: A Penological Approach (Carolina Academic Press, 2017), and author (with Dr. Vanessa Woodward and Dr. John Sloan) of The Money and Politics of Criminal Justice Policy (Carolina Academic Press, 2016). He has more than fifty articles and book chapters. Among the journals his research has been published in are International Journal of Drug Policy, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Journal of Criminal Justice, and Deviant Behavior.
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Recent Courses
- Criminal Procedure
- Seminar in Criminal Justice Policy
- Judicial Process in America
- Corrections in America
Select Publications
- Darshan Singh, O. Hayden Griffin, III, Megan Webb*, Suresh Narayanan & Lindsay Leban. (In Press). Reforms and Media Depictions of the Death Penalty in Malaysia. International Criminal Justice Review.
- O. Hayden Griffin, III, Lindsay Leban, Darshan Singh, Megan Webb* & Suresh Narayanan. (In Press). Deconstructing Differential Drug Coverage within a Malaysian Media Source. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.
- Kaelyn Little*, O. Hayden Griffin, III, H. Daniel Butler & Kathryn D. Morgan. (In Press). A Review of Inmate Litigation Challenging the Constitutionality of Solitary Confinement. Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research.
- O. Hayden Griffin, III & Joseph F. Spillane. (2022). Revisiting Methaqualone: Changes Made and Future Lessons Ignored. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 47(4): 749-769.
- O. Hayden Griffin, III. (2022). Promises, Deceit and White-Collar Criminality within the Theranos Scandal. Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime, 3(2): 109-121.
- Jazmin Esmeralda Palacios*, H. Daniel Butler & O. Hayden Griffin, III. (2022). A Systematic Review of Section 1983 Lawsuits Filed by Texas Inmates. Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research, 7(3): 210-229.
- Darshan Singh, Megan Webb*, O. Hayden Griffin, III, Vanessa Woodward Griffin & Suresh Narayanan. (2021). Examining Media Coverage of Drugs in Malaysian Media. Asian Journal of Criminology, 16(4): 377-394.
- Allen Copenhaver & O. Hayden Griffin, III. (2021). White-Collar Criminality within the Video Game Industry. Games & Culture, 16(7): 783-797.
*Indicates student author
Academic Distinctions & Professional Memberships
- Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
- Alabama State Bar
- American Bar Association