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Associate Professor
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(205) 975-1301
UBOB 213

Research Interests: Policing; Evidence-Based Policy; Mixed Methods

Teaching Interests: Policing; Research Methods in Criminal Justice

Office Hours: By appointment


  • BA, University of California, San Diego, Psychology
  • MS, Bowling Green State University, Criminal Justice
  • PhD, Arizona State University, Criminology & Criminal Justice

Dr. Natalie Todak is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). She has a PhD in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Arizona State University (ASU). She uses qualitative and mixed methods to study critical issues in policing, with a focus on diversity, culture, misconduct, and whistleblowing. She is an alumnus of the National Institute of Justice LEADS Program, in recognition of her collaborative work with agencies to further evidence-based policing. She was also awarded the Early Career Award from the American Society of Criminology Division of Policing and the John R. Hepburn Alumni Scholar Award from ASU. She has published in leading journals such as Criminology, Criminology and Public Policy, Crime and Delinquency, and Police Quarterly.

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  • Research Interests

    Police diversity; police culture; police misconduct; whistleblowing.

  • Select Publications

    For a complete list of published work, see Dr. Todak's Google Scholar Profile.

  • Academic Distinctions & Professional Memberships
    • Early Career Award Winner. Division of Policing, American Society of Criminology. Atlanta, GA. November 2022. Committee Chair: Jason Ingram.
    • Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Paper. “Emotional Intelligence in Policing: A State-of-the-Art Review” published in Policing: An International Journal. September 2022.
    • Nominee, Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program, 2021. Nominated by the UAB Office of the Vice President for Research, the Provost, and the UAB College of Arts and Sciences, October 20, 2020.
    • NIJ Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science (LEADS) Academic. Selected for experience in research and demonstrated investment both in partnering with a law enforcement agency and collecting original data from that agency. August 2019 – Present.