(205) 934-8530
UBOB 218
Research Interests: Police Use of Force; Police Integrity; Evidence-based Policing; Translational Criminology; Situational Awareness; Cyber ethics; Cyber Safety; Cybercrimes against Vulnerable Populations; Police Technology; Policy Evaluation
- BS, Computer Science/Educational Psychology, Sookmyung Women’s University
- ML, Police Administration/Criminology, Dongguk University
- MS, Management Information Security/Cybersecurity, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- PhD, Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University
Hyeyoung Lim, PhD, is a Professor in the J. Frank Barefield Jr. Department of Criminal Justice. She specializes in the field of criminal justice, particularly in the areas of policing, police decision-making, and police-community relations. Additionally, she has expanded her research interests to include cybercrime and crimes against humanity, with a specific focus on topics such as child abuse, internet crime against vulnerable populations, cyber ethics, and cyber safety. She holds the position of Chief Editor at the Journal of Applied Security Research as well as serving as a Co-Editor of the International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence and Cybercrime, dedicated to exploring various aspects of applied and empirical security and cybercrime research. She also serves as a member of the ZEPETO Safety Advisory Council, a global metaverse company, and an Academic Advisory Board Director of the Georgia Advocates for Crime Prevention. Her expertise and research contribute to understanding and addressing pressing issues in law enforcement and cybersecurity, ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals and communities.
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Recent Courses
- Intro Statistics
- Police in America
- Criminology
- Research Methods
- CJ Honors Seminar
- CJ Honors Research & Colloquium
- Seminar in CJ Administration
- Seminar in CJ Data Analysis
- Profiles of Cybercrimes and Offenders
Select Publications
- Jang, D., Hong, Y., Choo, J., Cho, S., & Lim, Hyeyoung. (2023) A Study on Child Abuse Prevention and Abused Children Protection and Support Policies Based on the Occurrence Structure of Child Abuse: Focusing on Child Abuse Within the Family. Seoul, ROK: Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice. ISBN: 979-11-91565-83-6. (In Korean).
- Lim, Hyeyoung (Ed., 2022). Interpersonal Violence Against Children and Youth. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. ISBN 978-1-7936-1433-9 (Hardback); 978-1-7936-1434-6 (ebook).
- Choi, Kyung-shick and Hyeyoung Lim (2021). The Foundations of Statistics in Criminology and Criminal Justice. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-5165-2854-7 (Paperback); 978-1-7935-0096-0 (ebook).
Book Chapters:
- Lim, Hyeyoung (2022). “Introduction: A Study of Global Efforts and Practices on Violence Against Children.” In Hyeyoung Lim (Ed.), Interpersonal Violence Against Children & Youth, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- Lim, Hyeyoung and Hannarae Lee (2022). “Cyberbullying: Its Social and Psychological Harms Among Schoolers.” In Hyeyoung Lim (Ed.), Interpersonal Violence Against Children & Youth, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- Lawton, Brian and Hyeyoung Lim (2022). “Controlling Minors: Extra Legal Factors and the Decision to Use Force.” In Hyeyoung Lim (Ed.), Interpersonal Violence Against Children & Youth, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- Lim, Hyeyoung (2019). “Similar, Different or Somewhere in Between? The Police and Citizen Views on Police Misconducts.” In Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovic and Maria Haberfeld (Eds.), Exploring Police Integrity (pp. 247-266). Springer.
Peer-reviewed Journals:
- Lim, Hyeyoung and Nadejda B. Bontcheva (2024). “How do Mexicana in the United States perceive the police in Mexico.” Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, (Accepted).
- Lim, Hyeyoung, Brian Lawton, and John J. Sloan (2024). “Policing and Asian Communities in the United States: A Systematic Review.” Policing: An International Journal, 47(2), 150-166. DOI: 10.1108/PIJPSM-04-2023-0053.
- Lim, Hyeyoung, Claire Seungeun Lee, and Kim, Chunrye (2023) “COVID-19 and Anti-Asian Racism & Violence in the 21st ” Race and Justice: An International Journal, 13(1), 3-8. DOI: 10.1177/21533687221138963.
- Lim, Hyeyoung (2022). “Where One Door Shuts, Another Opens: Honesty is the Best Virtue.” Journal of Applied Security Research, 17(3), 275-281. DOI: 1080/19361610.2022.2084497
- Lim, Hyeyoung and Jae-Seung Lee (2021). “The Impacts of Direct and Indirect-negative Contact Experiences on the Attitudes Toward the Police: Focus on Racial Differences.” Policing: An International Journal, 44(5), 926-940. DOI:10.1108/PIJPSM-02-2021-0022
- Lim, Hyeyoung (2017). “Police Bias, Use of Deadly Force, Public Outcry: Vicious Cycle?” Criminology and Public Policy, 16(1), 305-308. DOI: 1111/1745-9133.12293.
- Fridell, Lorie A. and Hyeyoung Lim (2016). “Assessing the Racial Aspects of Police Force Using the Implicit- and Counter-bias Perspectives.” Journal of Criminal Justice, 44, 36-48.
Academic Distinctions & Professional Memberships
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Applied Security Research (2023-current)
- Co-Editor, International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence and Cybercrime (2018-current)
- Faculty Associate, UAB Institute of Human Rights (2021-current)
- Higher Education Ambassador, Council on Foreign Relations, New York (2023-2024)
- President, Korean Society of Criminology in America (2021-2023)
- Chair, Security & Crime Prevention Section, ACJS (2021-2023)
- Lifetime member, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS)
- Lifetime member, Korean Society of Criminology in America (KOSCA)
- Lifetime member, Southern Criminal Justice Association (SCJA)
- Member, American Society of Criminology (ASC)
- Member, Division of Policing, ASC
- Member, Division of Cybercrime, ASC
- Member, Minorities and Women, ACJS