Assistant Professor
Heritage Hall 407
(205) 934-2339
Research and Teaching Interests: Public and nonprofit management, organizational strategy and innovation, social entrepreneurship, state-citizen interaction, social equity
Office Hours: By Appointment
- BA, Handong Global University
- MA, Hebrew University
- PhD, American University
Dr. Kim’s research focuses on organizational strategies that affect citizen perceptions and behavior in the public and nonprofit settings. Her recent scholarly work investigates how social entrepreneurial orientation influences individual donors’ perceptions and giving behaviors. Dr. Kim has received Emerging Scholar Award from Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action in 2022, and her works have been published in a variety of scholarly outlets such as Journal of Public Administration and Research Theory, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, American Review of Public Administration, and Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing. Prior to joining UAB, she worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania.
More information is available on Dr. Kim's website, or you can download her CV.
Recent Courses
- Introduction to Nonprofit Management
- Quantitative Methods for Public Administration
- Data Analysis for Social Impact
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Nonprofit Marketing and Fundraising
Select Publications
- Minjung Kim. Accepted. “The Association Between Performance Information and the Satisfaction of Different Social Groups: Citizen Evaluation by Racial Groups.” International Journal of Public Administration.
- Jihye Jung, Minjung Kim, and Jiwon Suh. (Forthcoming). “The Scope of Nonprofit Marketing Research in the Last Twenty Years: Lessons from the Literature.” The Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing.
- Soojin Kim and Minjung Kim. 2022. “Citizen Satisfaction in the Public Sector.” Chapter in Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Management. Edited by Kuno Schedler: 205-208.
- Nathan Favero and Minjung Kim. 2021. “Everything is Relative: How Citizens Form and Use Expectations in Evaluating Services.” Journal of Public Administration and Research Theory. 31(3): 561-577.
- Miyeon Song, Minjung Kim and Nathan Favero. 2020. “Social Class, Ingroup-Outgroup Comparison, and Citizen Evaluations: Is User Satisfaction Linked to Outcome Disparities?.” The American Review of Public Administration. 50(2): 205-218.
- Khaldoun AbouAssi, Lewis Faulk, Long Tran, Lilli Shaffer, and Minjung Kim. 2019. “Use and Perceptions of Nonprofit and Local Government Services in Diverse Urban Settings.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 48(5): 975-997.