Explore UAB

Fast Facts

  • This degree is excellent preparation to apply for UAB's graduate programs in physical therapy and occupational therapy.
  • Careers in exercise physiology are growing at a rate of 13 percent, which is faster than average. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

About the Program

It's amazing what our bodies can achieve, and in the kinesiology program, you'll study how a person can stay healthy and physically fit. Your degree could lead to a career as a physical education teacher, physical therapist, or occupational therapist.

To begin, you're first going to choose a concentration based on your goals. If you concentrate in exercise science, you'll study topics such as exercise physiology, metabolism, body composition, and biomechanics. With a fitness leadership concentration, your coursework will prepare you for a career as an instructor or fitness director. Interested in exercise bioenergetics? We'll cover human anatomy and physiology, chemistry, weight training, nutrition, and more. Finally, if you choose physical education with a teacher certification, we'll complement your classwork with a student teaching experience.


  • Exercise Science
  • Sports Physiology and Performance
  • Exercise Bioenergetics
  • Physical Education with Teacher Certification
  • Delivery Methods


    This program delivers most of its content via on-campus, in-person meetings.

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