I am Logan Stone, a 4th year Ph.D. student in the cancer biology theme at the graduate biomedical sciences program at UAB. I am co-mentored by Dr. Hope Amm in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dr. Jason Warram in the Department of Otolaryngology. I attained my B.S. in Biology from Florida Gulf Coast University, but I am originally from the Bluegrass State of Kentucky.
Scholars Symposium 2024 winners with facultyMy interest in research began in 2011 when I lost three family members to different types of cancers. I wanted to understand more about these diseases and make a difference in the world of research. I embarked on my research journey in 2016 when I joined Dr. Kerry Lee’s lab in Florida. I studied silver nanoparticles’ effects on breast cancer cells and published the findings in the ACS Applied Bio Materials Journal in 2023. Currently at UAB, my research analyzes imaging techniques to improve the ability of surgeons to detect and resect tumors in the head and neck region. Specifically, Panitumumab-IRBDye800, an antibody targeted fluorescence agent, is used to target tumors in the oropharynx region in a phase II clinical trial. This research is used in transoral robotic surgery to help surgeons visualize cancerous tumors.
Dr. Javed handing Logan Stone his award at Scholars Symposium 2024At this year’s Scholars’ Symposium, I won an award for the work I performed on a protein called KCTD15. Under physiological conditions, KCTD15 binds to a transcription factor to control neural crest development. We discovered two mutations in KCTD15, causative of a novel craniofacial disease in humans, then we determined how the mutations manifest the disease. The Scholars Symposium was a wonderful event with many posters exhibiting rigorous research and strong talks.
One of the highlights of the symposium was Dr. Anthony Morlandt's talk about the importance of interconnectivity between general practitioners and oncologists and the importance of detecting and treating tumors early during initial phases. Presenting my Clinical Sciences poster at the UAB SOD Scholars Symposium was an amazing experience. I was very grateful to receive first place in this category. I will move forward in representing UAB with my research at the Hinman Student Research Symposium in Memphis, TN later this year.
Story originally published in Vol II, Spring 2024 Bridging the Gap, a newsletter of the UAB Local Student Research Group. Edited by: Dakotah Sauerwald