Are you planning on applying to graduate school once you get your degree? The accelerated bachelor's/master's (ABM) program is a combined bachelor/master's degree plan that will accelerate your completion of the BME master’s degree (Plan I or Plan II MSBME). Students eligible for this program typically have significant research experience prior to their junior year.
To be considered for this program you must:
- Have earned 60 or more undergraduate hours (36 of which must be completed at UAB) to start the ABM program.
- Have a UAB undergraduate GPA of 3.5 or higher.
- Meet the above criteria as well as other minimum criteria for graduate admission before taking graduate-level courses. Upon admission to the UAB Graduate School, you’ll begin a program of study leading to your master’s degree as approved by your department and by the Graduate School.
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in all graduate and undergraduate coursework.
- In addition to any graduate-level coursework you take in a given term as an undergraduate student in ABM, you must enroll in at least six undergraduate hours. ABM hours that are approved as shared credit count toward this minimum. Students enrolled in a summer term OR in the final semester of their undergraduate program who have less than 6 hours remaining are exempted from this requirement. Other exemptions must be approved by the Graduate School.

How to Apply
Applications must be submitted through the UAB Graduate School online application form by December 31. Applications will be evaluated by the BME Graduate Program Committee.
Student demonstrates his design and evaluation of a Shoe-Sock Interface to be used in a Post-Stroke Gait Training Application.
Through the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Program (ABM) in Biomedical Engineering, you can take courses that count simultaneously toward your undergraduate and graduate programs. Once admitted to the ABM, you can take up to 12 hours of approved 500/600-level graduate courses that will count toward both undergraduate and graduate degrees.
You will be subject to the same coursework, seminar, publication, and research quality requirements as other Master's students. Your thesis committee must have at least one member who is a primary faculty member in the Biomedical Engineering department.
Information about the timing of coursework, research, and required milestones are available on the program timeline.
PhD Program
Fifth year master's students are admitted to the BME Ph.D. program the same way as other BME master's students — completing all MS requirements and earning the support of your thesis committee.