- New programs must be in the
three-year academic plan, which is updated annually in September by the Provost’s office and school/college. The Provost’s office contacts the deans for periodic updates to the plan. Faculty members should communicate with their dean’s office regarding the addition of new programs.
- Department or Department Chairs prepare a
Notice of Pending Proposal (NPP) and work collaboratively if the proposal is interdisciplinary.
- The NPP is reviewed and approved at the departmental level and then routed to the school/college-level committees for review, with final review by Dean.
- If approved through school/college appropriate review process and Dean, the Dean’s Office submits the NPP to appropriate the Faculty Senate committee for review and approval.
- For Undergraduate programs = Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC)
- For Graduate programs = Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC)
- Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee makes a recommendation to the Provost. The Provost submits the final approved version of the NPP to Associate Vice Provost for Assessment, Accreditation & Academic Planning by the UAB Campus Deadline, which is approximately 2 months prior to the Board of Trustees scheduled meeting date. (See UAB Board Liaison Calendar for specific dates)
- The approved NPP is submitted by the Provost’s office to the President.
- The NPP is reviewed by the President and submitted to The University of Alabama System office’s Academic Affairs committee.
- The UA System Office sends the NPP to the other UA System campuses for internal system review.
- Provost Office receives notification of NPP approval. The proposal moves forward to full proposal steps.
Program Proposal
- Department or Department Chairs develop a full
Program Proposal, complete ACHE New Academic Degree Program Summary (Business Plan), AND complete
Attachment C to New Program Proposal Supplement.
- The Program Proposal is reviewed and approved at the departmental level and then routed to the school/college-level committees for review, with final review by Dean.
- If approved through school/college appropriate review process and Dean, the Dean’s Office submits the Program Proposal to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval.
- For Undergraduate programs = Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC)
- For Graduate programs = Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC)
- Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee makes a recommendation to the Provost.
- The approved Program Proposal is submitted by the Provost’s office to the President.
- Program Proposal is submitted by the UAB Board Liaison to The University of Alabama System office. A full Board of Trustees Agenda Item Packet includes:
- Agenda Item Form
- Resolution Form
- Executive Summary
- Approved NPP and Attachment C
- Full Program Proposal
- ACHE New Academic Degree Program Summary (Business Plan)
- Any supporting documentation
- The Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs reviews the Program Proposal. If approved, the Program Proposal is added to the Board agenda.
- Following the Board’s approval, the Associate Vice Provost for Assessment, Accreditation, & Academic Planning uploads the Program Proposal to the ACHE portal for review.
- ACHE reviews the Program Proposal and requests clarifications and additional information through the Provost’s office. Program contacts should anticipate communications from the Provost’s office and respond promptly.
- The Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs will receive notice that the proposal was approved by ACHE and places the program proposal on the next Board of Trustees agenda for review and final approval. Final approval is denoted on the System office approval letters which are sent to the President and Board Liaison. Once received, the Board Liaison will email the approval letters to the Provost, Vice Presidents, Deans, Senior Vice Provost and other key personnel.
- Following Board approval, the campus may implement the program. Details of this process are addressed at the implementation meeting which is convened by the Registrar’s office upon approval.
Post Implementation Reporting
- Proposals include estimates of new students and graduates that are derived by the programs based upon student availability, viability standards, and potential for employment of graduates. ACHE uses these estimates to determine post-implementation conditions and sets the reporting date by which these conditions must be met, approximately seven years after approval. Failure to attain these new enrollment and graduation goals may result in loss of the program.
- Official data for Post Implementation Reports can be requested through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analysis for review and, if necessary, adjustment to the program or post-implementation conditions.
- Guidelines for Post Implementation Reports