The O’Brien Kidney Consortium supports the Pilot and Feasibly Program through their Opportunity Pool. The pilot program is designed to fund science that can expand the impact of the O’Brien Consortium with a focus on supporting early-stage investigators, especially those under-represented in the medical sciences and mid-career and senior investigators who are new to kidney research. More information on the O'Brien KIdney U24 National Coordinating Center here.
Previous P30 UAB-UCSD O'Brien Center for AKI P&F Recipients
From 2008-2023, the UAB-UCSD O'Brien Center Pilot and Feasibility Grants program provided seed funds for new, outstanding, and innovative research proposals related to Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). These pilots’ funds provided eligible investigators with one to two years of support along with the resources necessary to explore investigator-initiated projects related to AKI. 16 physician-scientists and 14 PhD scientists, including promising faculty from institutions outside UAB or UCSD, were recruited to the field of AKI research. These investigators have demonstrated significant productivity, including multiple peer- reviewed papers and at present collectively have a 66.7% success rate in obtaining subsequent extramural funding and, 91.3% have remained in kidney-related research.