Explore UAB

UAB, Heersink School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, DOP Divisions

Child Health Research Unit (CHRU)

Children's of Alabama (COA) and COA Investigational Pharmacy

Laboratory Space
      Department of Pediatrics Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory
      Department of Pediatrics Molecular Resistance Laboratory

University Hospital and The Women and Infants Center (WIC)

     University-Wide Interdisciplinary Research Centers (UWIRCs)
     UAB Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS)
     UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC)
     UAB Center for Palliative and Supportive Care (service at COA)

If there are other descriptions you would like to see posted or if you have additions/revisions for any of the write-ups, please email Cheryl Perry.

University-Wide Interdisciplinary Research Centers provide a framework for research and training. These multidisciplinary centers are open to all investigators with interests consistent with the mission of the given center. The centers assist in coordinating thematically-oriented efforts for extramural grants and contracts, in developing center-associated core facilities and in integrating enrichment programs that are important trainee resources. Centers require sponsorship from at least three UAB schools, substantive interdisciplinary faculty involvement; contribution to the intellectual environment in order to enhance faculty and student recruitment, development, and retention; an extramural financial base to support center and core activities; internal and external review processes to ensure quality and productivity; and leadership in the integration of research and service including community outreach or partnerships. Through a competitive review process, the Deans of sponsoring Schools and the Provost provide modest funds for research cores, pilot and feasibility studies and selective enrichment activities.

UAB Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS)

The Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) was established in 2008 and is funded by a Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. As one of more than 50 CTSA programs nationwide, and the only CTSA in Alabama, it serves a population with a heavy burden of cardiometabolic, vascular, and cancer-related diseases. UAB serves as the hub for the CCTS Partner Network, comprised of 11 academic research institutions across the Deep South states of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Launched in 2015, this network is defined by unique collaborative opportunities and resources that provide the scope, scale, and transdisciplinary capacity necessary to achieve its mission.

O'Neal UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC)

The O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center (OCCC) at UAB serves as a rich resource to accelerate the pace of discovery across the entire trajectory of disease from diagnosis to survivorship and end of life. The full impact of its multidisciplinary approach to cancer research and patient care extends throughout the Deep South and across Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas, where the Cancer Center serves as the only National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center in the four-state area and one of only 51 such centers with this designation in the country. Established in 1971 as one of the first eight NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers, the OCCC has been continuously funded for 50 years. With over $62 million in direct funding, the center is home to an outstanding faculty of over 400 clinicians, scientists and clinician-scientists, many of whom are internationally and nationally recognized for their expertise in oncology. The O'Neal Cancer Center treats approximately 20,000 patients annually, with an estimated 5,000 new patients each year.

UAB Center for Palliative and Supportive Care (service at COA)

In 2009, the UAB Center for Palliative and Supportive Care in collaboration with Children's of Alabama (COA), began offering palliative care inpatient consultation to patients and families. The Palliative Care Team serving pediatric patients at COA includes five pediatric palliative care physicians and nurses who provide support and compassion for children with serious illnesses and their families. Over 400 inpatient consults occur annually. A palliative care physician is embedded in the neonatal intensive care unit, as well as the oncology, cardiology and muscular dystrophy clinics.  Additionally, one of the attending physicians serves as medical director for the pediatric hospice agencies that serve the Birmingham area.

The Palliative Care Team specializes in providing assistance to patients and families to ensure comprehensive pain and symptom management from the time of diagnosis throughout the entire course of illness while remaining focused on patient and family-centered goals of care. The Team strives to help families make informed decisions while pursuing comfort-oriented goals concurrently with cure-directed therapy. They focus on enhancing quality of life while minimizing all levels of suffering including physical, social, emotional and spiritual.  Collaboration with other healthcare professionals through an interdisciplinary team promotes each patient's comfort and well-being by maintaining hope, preserving dignity and easing the burdens of care-giving.