Displaying items by tag: department of biomedical engineering

Two graduating UAB seniors have received the Green Blazer award from the Blazer Male Excellence Network, or BMEN, for outstanding academic and leadership efforts.

The department now has 20 full-time faculty members who brought in $4.3 million in funding in 2016.
Cardiac muscle patches in this proof-of-concept research may represent an important step toward the clinical use of 3-D-printing technology, as researchers have grown heart tissue by seeding a mix of human cells onto a 1-micron-resolution scaffold made with a 3-D printer.
The collaboration among UAB, University of Wisconsin and Duke University will use bioengineered stem cells and bioengineered tissue to treat heart failure after heart attacks.
A robotic 3-D printer will build the tissue through computer-assisted design and computer-assisted manufacturing, but using living cells as the pieces of the structure.
The March 28 event aims to identify novel potential therapies and discuss new approaches to repair damaged hearts and vasculature.
Gaurav Agrawal, junior in biomedical engineering, Christlin Ponraj, graduate student in biotechnology, and Angelin Ponraj, sophomore in biomedical sciences, are seeking a simple, private way to alert Alabama residents about their risk for diabetes.
Gerardo Hernandez-Moreno, a junior in biomedical engineering, and JaVarus Humphries, junior in neuroscience, plan to develop a network of unbiased medical professionals to offer a safe place for inner-city youth to learn about sexual health and disease.
UAB cardiovascular disease researchers are improving our understanding of the disease and finding new ways to provide medical care to patients.
UAB freshman Priya Shah is already a veteran in the lab. In her senior year of high school, she began a tissue-engineering project with UAB researcher Joel Berry, Ph.D., that has led to national honors — and could eventually affect patients worldwide.
A national expert in the biomedical engineering field will chair UAB’s joint department beginning Oct. 1.
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