Displaying items by tag: release

Scientists are racing to determine which genealogy most accurately represents the evolutionary history of sea turtles — a challenging proposition.

Stories from survivors in these workshops will become part of the Stuart Pimsler Dance Theatre performance March 14 at UAB’s Alys Stephens Performing Arts Center.

Educational and economic opportunities in central Alabama are enhanced by new microscope available for research.  

The UAB freshman immunology honors seminar recently held a Q&A with Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper reporter Matt Richtel.
The Deep South Resource Center for Minority Aging Research focuses on minority aging research with a disparities focus, particularly related to health problems more prevalent among older African Americans living in both rural and urban areas.
Three-time Grammy Award winner Branford Marsalis is one of the most revered instrumentalists of his time.
Teach children about hygiene and germs in the classroom and at home.

A UAB researcher’s involvement in clinical trials helped approve a first-of-its-kind targeted medication to reduce pain crisis for individuals with sickle cell disease.

Medical sociology provides a platform for a UAB graduate to pursue a medical degree while offering insight to the minds of her patients.   

UAB’s new Hoover Primary and Specialty Care clinic adds new medical specialties to go along with existing primary care services.

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Tips for making the holiday season more sustainable.  

Shakima Knox and Steven D. Wilson have made the most of their time on campus: They met at UAB, married on Homecoming Saturday, earned their graduate degrees and will walk together on Saturday.
Community members from Beaufort, South Carolina, trained palliative care physicians on how to have culturally appropriate conversations with their patients based on their backgrounds and ethnicities.
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