The Council of Academic Advisors (CAA) at UAB considers the responsibilities and needs of advisors, represents them to UAB faculty and administration, and provides advice to the Provost. Mindful of its centrality to the teaching, research, and service missions of UAB and with the support of the Provost, the CAA is committed to the principles of shared leadership, advocacy, professional development, and open communication. The CAA recognizes the interdependencies of all leadership entities at UAB as essential to achieving the defined mission, vision, values, goals, and objectives of the university.
Membership in the CAA is available to faculty or staff members whose positions are directly related to academic advising. The purpose of the CAA is to represent advisor viewpoints on matters of general interest and concern to the advisors and the university to the Provost, and to advise the Provost and other administrative officers of the university on such matters.
Brooke Walker,
Past President:
Whitney Woodard,
President Elect:
Jamie Grimes,
Advocacy Committee Chair:
Brannette Marshall,
Communications Committee Chair:
Victoria Jones Howard,
Professional Development Committee Chair:
Jayde Sherron,
Whitney Woodard