School/Department-Based Centers
Advanced Surgical Aesthetics, Center for
Purpose: To serve as a multidisciplinary center of excellence in the field of aesthetic surgery.
Director: Jorge de la Torre, M.D.
Alzheimer’s Disease Center
Purpose: To alleviate the morbidity and mortality associated with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and related disorders and improving the quality of life for sufferers of AD and related disorders, and their families.
Director: Erik Roberson, M.D., Ph.D.
Brain Institute, Evelyn F. McKnight
Purpose: To advance the understanding of the biological basis of the effects of the normal aging process on the human brain's capacity for learning and memory through fundamental research.
Director: Ronald M. Lazar, Ph.D.
Center for Addiction and Pain Prevention and Intervention
Purpose: To improve patient experiences through an interdisciplinary collaboration of scientists, clinicians, and educators at UAB.
Director: Karen Cropsey, Psy.D.
Center for Cyber Security (formerly the Center for Information Assurance and Joint Forensic Research)
Purpose: To create and promulgate innovative solutions to emerging and enduring threats to business, industry, and government using state-of-the-art research and advanced development activities undertaken by Center personnel.
Center for Disability Health and Rehabilitation Science (DHARS)
Purpose:To address the health, wellness and rehabilitation needs of millions of Americans with disabilities.
Directors: Dr. David A. Brown and Dr. James H. Rimmer
Center for Economic Education
Purpose: To provide economic education to Alabama students from kindergarten through high school. The center does this by educating the educators—providing the curriculum tools, the pedagogical support, and the community of peers that instruct, inspire and guide.
Director: Sarah E. Culver, Ph.D.
Center for Sales Leadership
Purpose: To foster the study of professional selling and provide unique opportunities for students to receive education and training in advanced selling practices. The center advances sales performance through education, research, and outreach to the business community.
Director: Mike Wittmann, Ph.D.; John Hansen, Ph.D.; Ken Miller, Ed.D.
Center for Teaching and Learning
Purpose: To promote student learning via faculty development with a commitment to pedagogical best practices, appropriate and effective use of technology, and innovative collaboration.
Director: Scott L. Phillips, Ph.D.
Cleft and Craniofacial Center, UAB
Purpose: To deliver the highest quality treatment for patients with facial differences.
Director: John H. Grant, III, M.D.
Community Outreach Development, The Center for
Purpose: To advance the outreach efforts of UAB in the Birmingham community.
Director: J. Michael Wyss, Ph.D.
Comprehensive Cardiovascular Center at UAB
Purpose: To improve outcomes for patients through excellence in clinical care and advances in the science of cardiovascular disease through interdisciplinary collaboration.
Director: Sumanth D. Prabhu, M.D.; Co-Director: James K. Kirklin, M.D.
Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center
Purpose: To develop new strategies to treat and cure sickle cell disease.
Co-Directors: Julie Kanter, M.D. and Jeffrey Lebensburger, D.O., M.S.P.H.
Comprehensive Neurovascular and Stroke Center
Purpose: To provide comprehensive clinical care through prevention, evaluation, diagnosis, management, and rehabilitation of stroke victims.
Director: David Standaert, M.D.
Comprehensive Transplant Institute
Purpose: To improve outcomes for patients through excellence in clinical care and advances in the science of transplantation.
Director: Devin E. Eckoff, M.D.
Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety
Purpose: To develop professionals who protect and promote the health and safety of workers through interdisciplinary education, research, and outreach.
Director: Claudiu T. Lungu, Ph.D.
Depression and Suicide Center
Purpose: To advance the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology by accelerating the discovery of new ways to treat and prevent debilitating disorders that may result in depression and suicide.
Directors: Richard C. Shelton, M.D. and Yogesh Dwivedi, Ph.D.
Diabetes Research Center
Purpose: To promote excellence in diabetes research in order to decrease morbidity and mortality and increase the quality of life of diabetes patients.
Director: W. Timothy Garvey, M.D.
Educational Accountability, Center for
Purpose: To promote the improvement of educational outcomes of students, schools, and agencies through responsive and valid data-based decisions focused on reform.
Director: Scott W. Snyder, Ph.D.
Emerging Drug Discovery, UAB Center for
Purpose: To provide a UAB campus-based center for drug development.
Director: Richard Whitley, M.D.
Epilepsy Center, UAB
Purpose: To promote patient care, research and education in the field of epilepsy; and to prevent, treat and cure epilepsy.
Acting Director: Jerzy Szaflarski, M.D.
Geriatric Education Center
Purpose: To provide geriatric training opportunities and outreach activities aimed toward improving the quality of life for the geriatric population.
Director: Richard M. Allman, M.D.
Glial Biology in Medicine, UAB Center for
Purpose: To support basic and clinical research on the biology of glial cells which have been recognized to be of critical importance in many brain and spinal cord injuries and neurological disorders.
Director: Maurizio Grimaldi, M.D., Ph.D.
Gorgas (William Crawford) Center for Geographic Medicine
Purpose: To provide leadership in tropical and preventive medicine; to develop and oversee research and training at the forefront of biomedical science; and to support international health programs in the fields of research, education, program development, administration, and public service.
Director: German Henostroza, M.D.
Health Informatics for Patient Safety/Quality, Center for
Purpose: To disseminate new approaches to the development, implementation, evaluation, and management of healthcare information and healthcare information technology.
Director: Eta Berner, Ph.D.
Healthcare Management and Leadership, Center for
Purpose: To coordinate continuing education programs for the Department of Health Services Administration.
Director: Jerry "Mickey" Trimm, Ph.D.
Hepatorenal Fibrocystic Kidney Disease Core Center
Purpose: To expand the catalogue of genetic mutations in ARPKD and other HRFD patients, to facilitate access and sharing of clinical and genetic data as well as bio-specimens (DNA and tissues) for the investigator base, and to expand the portfolio of educational material related to HRFD.
Director: Bradley K. Yoder, Ph.D.; Associate Director: Lisa M. Guay-Woodford, M.D.
Human Rights, The Institute for
Purpose: To employ innovative technologies and scientific methods to integrate existing UAB and community strengths to create and foster new research, policy solutions, outreach activities and educational programming relating to all aspects of human rights, including training programs in such areas as diversity awareness, sexual harassment prevention and effective communication in the workplace to business, industry, and government entities.
Director: Tina Kempin Reuter, Ph.D.
Hypertension Center
Purpose: To demonstrate the recognition of outstanding hypertension research taking place at UAB and provides a model for the leadership of the center.
Injury Science, Center for
Purpose: To provide a multidisciplinary focus for the care of injured patients and for research related to both prevention and treatment of injuries.
Director: Loring W. Rue, III, M.D.
Integrated Systems, UAB Center for
Purpose: To provide diverse efforts that will allow for collaborations between researchers in various fields of medicine, sciences, and engineering.
Director: Murat Tanik, Ph.D.
Interprofessional Education & Simulation, Center for
Purpose: To bring together students and other learners from multiple schools across campus, together with faculty and staff from the UAB Health System, into a cohesive and integrated system of interprofessional education and training. CIPES is based in the Office of the UAB Provost.
Director: Scott Phillips, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Innovative Teaching and Academic Engagement
Purpose: The INTO Center at The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) creates opportunities for students around the world to access a quality education at UAB while enhancing the institution’s reputation abroad.
Director: David Hofmann
Joint Replacement, Center for
Purpose: To combine state-of-the-art surgery for the hip and knee with improvements in patient education and patient satisfaction.
Director: John M. Cuckler, M.D.
Lister Hill Center for Health Policy
Purpose: To facilitate the conduct of health policy research, to disseminate the findings of that research beyond the usual academic channels, and to sponsor the health policy fellowship program.
Director: Michael A. Morrisey, Ph.D.
Liver Center, UAB
Purpose: To provide specialized care to children and adults with all types of liver and biliary tract disease, to develop clinical and basic research programs to support clinical care activities for such individuals, and to educate the profession and public about liver disease.
Director: Joseph R. Bloomer, M.D.
Low Vision Rehabilitation, UAB Center for
Purpose: To provide quality patient care, teaching, and research to advance knowledge in the area of vision rehabilitation.
Director: Dawn DeCarlo, O.D.
Lung Health Center
Purpose: To provide treatment, education and research programs related to the prevention and management of lung diseases.
Director: Victor J. Thannickal, M.D.
Materials Processing and Applications Development (MPAD) Center
Purpose: To meet the increasing demand for low cost composites in various applications such as aerospace, transport, mass transit, automotive, energy, military, sporting goods and commodity markets and the accompanying need for developing innovative and newer material forms and processing technologies.
Director: Selvum Pillay, Ph.D.
Maryann Manning Family Literacy Center
Purpose: To sustain Dr. Maryann Manning’s legacy of commitment and work in the field of literacy, the Maryann Manning Family Literacy Center supports and disseminates research in literacy, provides professional development for teachers and students, centralizes the operation and organization of numerous projects begun by Dr. Manning, and creates innovative literacy projects, both locally and globally.
Director: Jennifer Summerlin, Ph.D.
Multiple Sclerosis Center
Purpose: To foster clinical and fundamental research on multiple sclerosis and related diseases; to provide clinical and research training in multiple sclerosis and related diseases; and to evaluate and treat acute and chronic multiple sclerosis and related diseases.
Director: Khurram Bashir, M.D.
Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging, UAB
Purpose: To assist scientists in pursuing research focused on the interplay of aging, comparative biology, and energetics. Its goal is to act as a multiplier to stimulate innovation and increase the success of scientists studying the basic biology of aging.
Director: Steven N. Austad, Ph.D.
Neurodegeneration and Experimental Therapeutics (CNET), UAB Center for
Purpose: To promote the discovery of novel treatments for neurodegenerative disorders, to teach scientists and clinicians about these diseases, and to facilitate the application of these discoveries to clinical care of patients.
Directors: Erik Roberson, M.D., Ph.D.
Optical Sensors and Spectroscopies, The Center for
Purpose: To improve sensor techniques using recently developed revolutionary laser and spectroscopic technologies for the detection of biological, chemical, environmental, and explosive agents with high sensitivity.
Director: Sergey Mirov, Ph.D.
Oral Health Research, Institute of
Purpose: To provide an umbrella organization that will promote, facilitate and concentrate all research activities conducted within the School of Dentistry.
Director: Mary B. MacDougall, Ph.D.
Palliative and Supportive Care, UAB Center for
Purpose: To serve patients and families experiencing life-threatening, life-limiting, or advanced illness by providing compassionate clinical care, demonstrating leadership in teaching health professionals and trainees, conducting collaborative research, and influencing health care delivery and public policy.
Director: Rodney O. Tucker, M.D.
Pancreatobiliary Disease Center, UAB
Purpose: To provide a comprehensive, centralized, multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and innovative treatment of complex pancreatobiliary diseases.
Co-Directors: Mohamad A. Eloubeidi, M.D., Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D., and Mel Wilcox, M.D.
Parkinson’s Disease Information and Referral Center
Purpose: To provide support to families and patients suffering from Parkinson's Disease by offering top-notch clinical treatment as well as educational, emotional, and political support. The center also performs basic science research of Parkinson's disease.
Director: David G. Standaert, M.D.
Pediatric-Onset Demyelinating Disease, Center for
Purpose: To provide comprehensive multidisciplinary care for children and teens with MS and other CNS demyelinating diseases.
Director: Jayne Ness, M.D.
Pediatric Pulmonary Center
Purpose: To improve the health and well-being of the nation's children and youth, and especially those with special health care needs.
Co-Directors: James S. Hagood, M.D.; Nancy Woolridge
Pulmonary Injury and Repair Center, UAB
Purpose: To promote, support, and enhance cutting-edge research on lung biology, including studies of disease through translational investigation in humans.
Director: Sadis Matalon, Ph.D.
Regions Institute for Financial Education, The
Purpose: To provide opportunities for UAB students, faculty, staff and the community at large to learn the skills and knowledge essential to successfully manage their personal finances. The Institute aims to carry out this mission by focusing on teaching, service and research.
Director: Stephanie R. Yates, Ph.D.
Research in Applied Gerontology, Center for
Purpose: To develop and evaluate interventions which will allow older individuals to remain independent and to experience a high quality of life.
Director: Karlene Ball, Ph.D.
South Central Preparedness & Emergency Response Learning Center
(formerly South Central Center for Public Health Preparedness)
Purpose: To design assessments and train public health practitioners to prepare for and respond to public health threats and emergencies, particularly those which may be bioterrorist in nature.
Director: Peter M. Ginter, Ph.D.
Southeast Center for Excellence in Geriatric Medicine
Purpose: To provide advanced academic training for physicians preparing for careers in geriatric medicine.
Director: Richard M. Allman, M.D.
Sparkman Center for Global Health
Purpose: To contribute to solutions of health problems in developing countries by implementing graduate-level training and educational programs that are organized collaboratively with academic institutions, international agencies and health ministries within the host country.
Director: Craig Wilson, M.D.
Sustainable Smart Cities Research Center, UAB
Purpose: To coordinate multi-disciplinary research in the area of sustainable infrastructure systems.
Director: Fouad H. Fouad, Ph.D., P.E.
UAB-Hudson Alpha Center for Genomic Medicine
Purpose: To explore the complexities of human DNA to understand the genetic underpinnings for the onset and progression of diseases and to use that knowledge to predict, diagnose and develop personalized therapies.
Co-Directors: Richard Myers, Ph.D. (HudsonAlpha); Bruce Korf, M.D., Ph.D.
University Transportation Center for Alabama
Purpose: To advance technology in transportation education and research and then transfer technologies over multiple disciplines.
(1) Management and Safety (UA, UAB, UAH)
Director: Fouad Fouad, Ph.D.
(2) Injury Control Research
Director: P. Russ Fine, Ph.D.
Urban Education, Center for
Purpose: To promote quality education for socially and economically disenfranchised groups residing in urban areas.
Director: Deborah L. Voltz, Ed.D.
Voice Treatment Center, UAB
Purpose: To bring together medical and vocal expertise to evaluate and treat individuals who use their voices as a primary part of their profession.
Co-Directors: Richard McHugh, M.D. and Dan Phillips, Ed.D.
Vulcan Materials Academic Success Center
Purpose: The Vulcan Materials Academic Success Center (VMASC) at the University of Alabama at Birmingham fosters undergraduate student success by creating a supportive environment and delivering academic services designed to facilitate persistence towards academic goals and degree completion.
Director: Lisa Marie Kerr, Ed.D.
Women’s Reproductive Health, Center for
Purpose: To conduct research aimed at improving the health of all women, especially minority and underserved women and their families; and to bring researchers and developing scholars interested in women's health issues at UAB into a more formal research collaboration.
Director: Dwight J. Rouse, M.D.