Displaying items by tag: employee assistance and counseling center

The UAB Employee Assistance & Counseling Center’s partnership with Senior Care Authority means employees can get personalized help finding local care for an aging parent or loved one and finding appropriate and available services.

Published in Benefits & Policies
Completing mental health training is a great way for staff, faculty and students at UAB and UAB Medicine to share a culture of care and thriving. Three badges are available; the first can be earned in only a few hours.
Published in Be Healthy

Established by a committee of individuals from across the university and UAB Medicine, Wellness Week is designed to help the UAB community prioritize rest, well-being, mindfulness, movement and good nutrition.

Published in Be Healthy

The Employee Assistance and Counseling Center is home to 13 clinical team members and a case manager, a variety of counseling options, and programming such as support groups, workshops and seminars, yoga classes, suicide prevention training courses and more.

Published in Benefits & Policies

UAB Safe streamThe UAB Cares Suicide Prevention Initiative aims to support and assist the entire UAB community — no matter who they are — in finding the help they need and ensuring they know they are important and matter.

Published in Campus Safety

The UAB Employee Assistance and Counseling Center’s One-at-a-Time Therapy option is now available to all clients — including couples and families.

Published in Benefits & Policies

The network of prominently displayed signage and murals aims to reach people in moments of struggle and is part of a larger initiative focused on supporting and assisting the entire UAB community.

Published in Campus Safety

This free tool, available to employees and their families through a UAB partnership, lets users practice quick techniques to relieve tension, find calm, create positive thoughts and manage stress.

Published in Be Healthy

The UAB Employee Assistance and Counseling Center will be eligible for up to 15 free counseling sessions and 15 free life-coaching sessions per calendar year, an increase from 12 per year in response to an increase in mental health and wellness needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Published in Be Healthy

Depression symptoms are rising during the pandemic, but a new study shows that having a healthy savings account has a protective effect. Free financial counseling from UAB and other employee training resources offer a step-by-step guide to savings success.

Published in Be Healthy

UAB Employee Assistance & Counseling Center offer online tools and information to improve mental health, increase resiliency and support friends, family and co-workers who may be struggling.

Published in Be Healthy

As UAB transitions to remote teaching and work in response to the global outbreak of COVID-19, employees can still access telemental health services at no cost.

Published in Be Healthy

Weekly meetings of the Grief Recovery Method Support Group will begin Feb. 20.

Published in Be Healthy

UAB Safe streamWinter can be a discouraging time. During short days, long nights and freezing temperatures, it’s easy to choose staying home over braving cold temperatures or let exercise routines lapse in favor of curling up under a blanket. Learn about resources UAB offers for coping with seasonal affective disorder and other mental health issues.

Published in Campus Safety

The fair will feature food trucks, giveaways and opportunities to meet with mental health providers from both UAB and the Birmingham area.

Published in Be Healthy

A new text-based crisis support service debuts this month to help employees and their family members.

Published in Be Healthy

50thShieldONLY COLORFrom traveling to Antarctica to publishing children’s books, from taking biology educational tools to India to planting pollinator gardens on campus, women have been integral to shaping UAB’s reputation its 50-year history. As part of its annual coverage of Women’s History Month, the UAB Reporter has gathered examples of its more recent coverage of women at UAB.

Published in Achievements

UAB Safe streamBetween spring break, St. Patrick’s Day and warmer weekend weather, springtime is full of opportunities for fun with friends — and for many, that means pouring a cold alcoholic beverage. But knowing the safe is an important part of having a good time.

Published in Campus Safety

Explore new and improved resources to help you cope with financial stressors, build financial skills and feel confident about the future. Start with seminars and webinars during America Saves Week, Feb. 25-March 1.

Published in Benefits & Policies

UAB Safe streamMajor depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern, more commonly known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), affects as many as 10 million Americans.

Published in Campus Safety
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