Matt Windsor

Matt Windsor

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The goal is to offer career development opportunities for all members of the NSF-funded IISAGE grant, led by Associate Professor Nicole Riddle, Ph.D., in the Department of Biology.

In a search that encompasses geckos, bats, sex-switching fish and more, the NSF-funded IISAGE team is seeking data to explain lopsided lifespans. A key question: How much wiggle room is there in aging?
This eye-opening experience is more popular than ever. Hear from faculty on how they incorporate the two-hour sim, now fully online, in their courses for undergraduates, graduates and professionals.

A chemical mystery drew Matthew Kiszla into tattoo research: Why are red inks most likely to cause rashes and other reactions? Now he is working to analyze commercial inks and looking for collaborators both scientific and artistic.

Key takeaways on retraining the nose after COVID, a drug that can take away persistent bad smells and more from Do-Yeon Cho, M.D., director of UAB’s Comprehensive Smell and Taste Clinic.

Continuous glucose monitors are “such a useful and impactful behavior modification tool” that half of his patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes now use these devices, said Fernando Ovalle, M.D., director of UAB’s Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Diabetes Clinic. Learn how data leads to better decisions and better control of diabetes.
“Why have I stayed?” Before he is honored March 21 for his five decades of service to UAB, Bob Hernandez, DrPH, Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Health Services Administration, answers this and other questions.
Cori Perdue, Ph.D., director of Collat Professional Education, and Dorothy Ogdon, emerging technologies librarian, talk about how they are using VR and augmented reality and how anyone with a BlazerID can check out a headset to take home.
Biobehavioral Nutrition and Wellness, launched in fall 2021 by the Department of Nutrition Sciences, includes training in health technology, the psychology of eating behavior and effective communication techniques. The Bachelor of Science program prepares graduates for a range of in-demand jobs, leaders say.

Dwayne White, Ph.D., assistant professor in the School of Education, shares how his participation in the national Faculty Success Program paid off with three manuscripts and some crucial time-management tools. Read his top tips, then apply for the 2023 program today.

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