Explore UAB

Whether you're exploring your interests, starting your job search, or working as an intern, the UAB Career Center has in-person and online classes to help support your career development while earning course credit.

UNIV 200. Job Search Essentials. 1 Hour.

This course is designed for those ready to start the job search process. This course walks you through the basic essentials needed to begin a professional job search including resume, interviewing, elevator pitch, informational interviews, networking, and company research. This course is made up of project-based, interactive activities that will culminate into a final project using LinkedIn. Sample syllabus.

Semester taught: fall and spring.

UNIV 300. Career Mapping: Navigating for Success. 3 Hours.

UNIV 300 is for students who want to confirm their career path, get a jump start on their post-graduation job search, and make a smooth transition into the professional world. UNIV 300 uses project-based, interactive activities to help students determine an appropriate career path, explore career options, perform industry research, build a professional network, and prepare for the job search by creating an effective resume and participating in in-person mock interviews. Students also gain skills in workplace competencies like effective communication, teamwork, and dealing with feedback. This in-depth career course involves interaction with local employers and community partners. Sample syllabus.

Semester taught: fall and spring.