Amber Wagner

(205) 934-2213
Research and teaching interests: Computer science education, human-computer interaction, accessible computing.
- Ph.D., University of Alabama, Computer Science
- M.S., Kennesaw State University, Information Systems
- B.S., Kennesaw State University, Computer Science
Dr. Amber Wagner has a strong focus on teaching and has received teaching awards from Kennesaw State University as well as Birmingham-Southern College for her work in the classroom prior to coming to UAB.
Her research focuses on Computer Science Education, Human-Computer Interaction, and Accessible Computing. Dr. Wagner also works with undergraduate students interested in research and has worked on projects including pseudorandom number generators, human trafficking, and robotic arms. She also is supportive of student organizations and aims to increase the number of students from underrepresented groups in Computer Science.
Research Interests
- Computer Science Education
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Accessible Computing
Select Publications
- Chloe Dunmire, Amber Wagner. Modeling Particle Randomness: A Pseudorandom Number Generator. ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE). Virtual Event. April 2023.
- Zirui Wang, Amber Wagner. Evaluating a tactile approach to programming Scratch. ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE). Kennesaw, GA, April 2019.
- Amber Wagner and Jeff Gray, “An empirical evaluation of a vocal user interface for programming by voice,” International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach (Special Issue on Human-Computer Interaction, Carina Gonzalez, ed.), vol. 8, no. 2, May 2015, pp. 47-63.
- Amber Wagner. Myna: Empowering motorically challenged students to program by voice. ACM SIGCSE Conference on Computer Science Education, Student Research Competition. Atlanta, GA, March 2014. 2nd Place Winner in Graduate Category.
- Amber Wagner. Automation of VUI to GUI mapping. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Doctoral Consortium. Paris, France, April 2013.
- Ferosh Jacob, Amber Wagner, Prateek Bahri, Susan Vrbsky, and Jeff Gray, “Simplifying the development and deployment of mapreduce algorithms,” International Journal of Next-Generation Computing (Special Issue on Cloud Computing Yugyung Lee and Praveen Rao, eds.), vol. 2, no. 2, 2011, pp. 123-142.
Recent Courses
- CS 203: Object-Oriented Programming
- CS 300: Advanced OO Programming in C++
- CS 499: Senior Capstone