Explore UAB


a group of female UAB ESL graduate student interns meeting around a table with their summer placement lead teachers

Interns meeting with lead teachers at their future summer internship placements.

MAEd/ESL - Traditional Track

Traditional MAEd/ESL Information Packet

MAEd/ESL - Alternative Track

Alternative MAEd Information Packet

MAEd/ESL - TESOL Track (for teaching adult learners; non-certification)

MA-TESOL Information Packet

MA-TESOL for International Students

Information for International Students: MA-TESOL
INTO UAB's Standard TESOL Pathway starting in Fall
INTO UAB's Standard TESOL Pathway starting in Spring

Teaching English as an Additional Language (TEAL) Graduate Certificate

TEAL Graduate Certificate Information Packet

Educational Specialist

EdS in TESOL Information Packet

PhD Educational Studies in Diverse Populations (ESDP)

Pedagogical Studies Concentration: Information Packet
Pedagogical Studies Checklist and Course Timeline
ESDP Handbook


Apply for Graduate School (degree-seeking & non-degree-seeking)
Request to Defer Admission


Commencement Information
Application for Degree and RSVP to Walk: in BlazerNet (6 months before anticipated graduation)

"Your efforts are important to Alabama and the preparation of teachers. As Alabama seeks to develop a trained and qualified workforce, it cannot be done without recognizing the cultural and linguistic needs of our students."
Gregory G. Fitch, Executive Director (retired), Alabama Commission on Higher Education