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The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) is a subscriber to Magna, which provides on-demand faculty development resources, including online seminars. The institutional subscription provides UAB faculty and staff with instant access to Magna content, current and archived.

Magna offers Magna Online Courses, Magna Digital Library, Academic Leader, Teaching Professor, and The Journal of Faculty of Development. 

Magna Online Courses and Magna Digital Library offer on-demand versions of Magna's most popular Magna Online Seminars, covering a broad range of topics of interest to faculty and administrators.

Academic Leader covers the trends, challenges, and best practices today’s academic decision-makers need to protect and enhance their institution’s mission while meeting the evolving demands from internal and external stakeholders.

Teaching Professor offers a highly informative newsletter with a singular purpose: to provide ideas and insight to educators who are passionate about teaching. A source of cutting-edge information and inspiration for more than 10,000 educators at universities and colleges worldwide.

The Journal of Faculty Development (JFD) provides on-demand faculty development resources, including scholarly journals. This resource can be accessed on Igenta website without a Magna account while on UAB's internet or VPN. See instructions for how to access JFD.

As a member of our campus community, this online content from Magna Publications is available at no cost to UAB faculty and staff. Since 1972, Magna has been a leading provider of higher education professional development resources. Create your account today and help energize your higher education career.

  1. Navigate to the MagnaPubs webpage and log in.
    • If you are using a UAB IP address (internet on campus or VPN), you will be automatically logged in to the UAB group account.
    • If you are not using a UAB IP address, login with your UAB email address and your password for Magna. Users who don't have an account or forgot their password can create/edit their account here.
  2. Click the Go to Magna Online Courses (A) button or Go to Magna Digital Library (B) button to view Magna Online Seminars. Click Go to Teaching Professor (C) button to view articles included with the subscription. Click Go to Academic Leader (D) button to read trends, challenges, and best practices for today’s academic decision-makers.
    Note: Go to Academic Leader (D) button is only available when you are using a UAB IP address.

    group access magna

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