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Course Descriptions—Interpretation of the Academic Achievement Scale

ELI 021 Reading:

By the end of this course, students will be able to understand readings of up to 400 words of popular or simple academic text that have Level 2 grammar and vocabulary. They will be able to predict content from titles and headings, scan for specific information, understand thesis and paragraph main ideas, sequence of events, comparisons, and cause and effect. They will be able to infer meaning from examples and make short critical responses. They will be able to guess vocabulary meaning from context, and know and apply new vocabulary.

ELI 022 Integrated Skills:

By the end of this course, students will know the grammar of verb tenses, including present perfect, modals, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and comparatives. They will be able to apply this knowledge in speaking and writing about everyday situations. Students will know vocabulary for topics such as food, entertainment, clothes, neighborhoods and geography, and jobs and workplaces. They will be able to apply this knowledge in speaking and writing. Students will be able to speak with some fluency in groups and individually, including using language such as requesting and complaining. They will make good effort to use English pronunciation of word sounds and sentence stress and intonation. Students will apply listening skills to understand classroom language and recorded dialogs. They will understand speech that is somewhat slower than natural speech, and that has the grammar and vocabulary they learned in the course. They will be able to take short notes and answer questions about what they heard. Students will be able to write letters and paragraphs of at least 80 words with grammar and vocabulary they learned in the course to express their ideas.

ELI 023 Vocabulary Building:

By the end of this course, students will know vocabulary for topics such as jobs and job skills, IT, clothes and accessories, sports and entertainment, food preparation, neighborhoods and housing, illnesses and medical care, geography and animals. They will be able to apply this knowledge in speaking, listening, reading and writing.

ELI 024 Writing:

By the end of this course, students will be able to write academic paragraphs of up to 120 words organized in a standard format, with a topic sentence, paragraph unity, time and list signal words, and reasons and examples. They will be able to brainstorm content and outline the paragraph. They will be able to use verb tenses, including present perfect; simple, compound, and complex (adverb clauses) sentence structure; and capitalization and punctuation. They will be able to revise their work based on feedback and self-editing.

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