Get Involved
As an HPU we aspire to embed health into all aspects of campus culture; and lead health promotion action and collaboration locally and globally. We recognize the interrelatedness of planetary health, society and our own personal health in our collective pursuit of wellbeing.
Here are a few examples of how students can get involved and take action:

On behalf of the PLANET

On behalf of the PLACE
- ACT - advocate awareness, take action and commit to education
- Learn from Wellness Promotion and Become a Promoter of Wellness More Details

On behalf of the PERSON
- Take advantage of all the resources that Student Affairs has to offer
Here are a few examples of how faculty can get involved and take action:

On behalf of the PLANET

On behalf of the PLACE
- ACT - advocate awareness, take action and commit to education More Details

On behalf of the PERSON
- Take advantage of all the resources that UAB has to offer
Here are a few examples of how staff can get involved and take action:

On behalf of the PLANET
- Recycle
- Donate
- Volunteer
- Re-think your drive
- Become a Sustainability Ambassador and strive for Platinum Green Office Status
- Begin an ecosystem impact evaluation
- Consider sustainability in your area’s purchasing and procedures

On behalf of the PLACE
- ACT - advocate awareness, take action and commit to education
- Volunteer in our community in service of person, place and planet wellbeing
- Consider within your discipline/area how you might participate in service, research and scholarship activities that improve the wellbeing of person, place and planet
- Work at the policy and systems level to improve the health and wellbeing of students, staff and faculty
- Always seek out the thoughts/opinions of those you are working to impact whether that is students, staff or faculty

On behalf of the PERSON
- Take advantage of all the resources that UAB has to offer