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Clinical Op Web

Winn Chatham, MD (Professor, Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology) and pediatrics colleague Dr. Randy Cron are testing a treatment to halt the potentially fatal immune over-reaction known as cytokine storm syndrome in patients with COVID-19. Their protocol is targeted to early intervention by attempting to identify the condition very early with routine labs. The study also hopes to ascertain how prevalent the syndrome is in patients with COVID-19.

More Good News for April 29, 2020

Dr. John Whyte from WebMD interviewed Eric Wallace, MD (Associate Professor, Nephrology) on the importance of telehealth and how it has enhanced patient care in the era of the coronavirus pandemic.

Mark Dransfield, MD (Professor, Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care) received the 2020 Solovy Award for Advancement in COPD to recognize innovation and continued progress in the prevention, treatment and cure for COPD. The award is sponsored by the Respiratory Health Association. 

Congratulations to Aleena George for placing first in Biological and Life Sciences at the UAB Undergraduate Spring Research Expo! She presented with Dr. Carmen De Miguel in the Division of Nephrology. Aleena is a junior majoring in medical sociology and minoring in philosophy with plans to become a physician.

Masks or face coverings are required in all public places in Birmingham effective May 1. This tutorial from UAB Arts in Medicine shows how to make a mask that properly covers the nose and mouth, including the chin. All you need is a T-shirt, sharp scissors, pen or marker, and a ruler!

DOM physicians Drs. Phillip Smith, Ali Ahmed, and Brendan McGuire will present "GI and Liver COVID-19: Implications for Care" at Medical Grand Rounds next Wednesday, May 6, at noon, via Zoom. The session will be recorded for later viewing.

We could scarcely have imagined that the term shelter in place would take such a prominent place in the American lexicon, but much has changed with the current pandemic. In this edition of Well-Be Wisdom, Dr. Kennedy explores the paradox of finding shelter in isolation as well as the shelter of human connection.