Former CMR Ira Gore, MD, returned to UAB last Friday to revive a great IM Residency tradition—The Great Pizza Eating Challenge. Residents divided into three teams to see who could eat the most pizza in five minutes. Kudos to PGY1 team of Tyler Luckett, Chad Lampl, and Charlie Weldon who won first prize.
Congratulations to the residents who made a terrific showing at the ACP-Alabama Chapter meeting. Jori May made the Best Oral Vignette Presentation on Schnitzler’s Syndrome. Tyler Luckett presented the Best Research Poster on Barrett’s Esophagus. Sean Dunn, Sebastian Sattui, and Matt Gravett won the “Doctors’ Dilemma” competition.
Department of Medicine Chair, Seth Landefeld, MD, received the ACP-Alabama Chapter 2016 Laureate Award for his commitment to excellence in medical science, clinical care, teaching, leadership, and service.
Cynthia Brown, MD, MSPH (Director, Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care) was published in JAMA, “Comparison of Post-Hospitalization Function and Community Mobility in Hospital Mobility Program and Usual Care Patients.” Julie Locher, PhD (Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care) John D. Lowman Jr, PhD, PT (School of Health Professions) and Paul A. MacLennan, PhD (Department of Surgery) were co-authors.
Mike Saag, MD (Infectious Diseases) won the 2016 Ernest Cotlove Award from the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists for outstanding contributions to the science of laboratory medicine.
The Department of Medicine is pleased to announce the 5th Annual Robert A. Kreisberg Awards for Faculty Development in Medical Education. The awards will support educational enrichment for clinical faculty, such as Harvard’s Macy Clinical Scholars Course. Division financial commitment required. Deadline for applications is 5:00 PM on June 15, 2016. Contact Yolanda Horton for information on how to apply.
Coming Next Week to Medical Grand Rounds: Christine Sinsky, MD, FACP, Vice President of Professional Satisfaction at the American Medical Association will present, “In Search of Joy in Practice.”
Do you have Good News to share? If so, please email the Department of Medicine's Director of Communications, Carolyn Walsh.