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Movember web imageA Few Mustached Marauders. L to R: Rehan Sarmad, MD, Daniel LaVie, MD, Will Varnado, MD, and Matt Pierce, MDOne of the senior fellows in the Division of Hematology and Oncology, Daniel LaVie, MD, has organized a team known as the “Mustached Marauders of Malignancy.” Together, they are participating in the movement to “change the face of men’s health” by growing a mustache or beard during "Movember." Each team member started clean-shaven and will grow facial hair throughout the month, so visit their site and vote for your favorite "mo." All proceeds go to the Movember Foundation

More Good News for November 15, 2017

John D. Mountz, MD, PhD (Professor, Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology) recently won the Distinguished Innovator Award from the Lupus Research Alliance. Mountz is investigating a new explanation for how lupus develops and the reason some people, particularly African Americans, are at greater risk for flares and kidney disease. Mountz says he believes the results of this research will form a solid foundation to develop interferon therapies and identify markers that track the disease in people with lupus.

Anath Shalev, MD (Professor, Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism) published a new study in the journal Diabetes that shows promise for enhancing the effectiveness of existing diabetes drugs and reducing their unwelcome side effects. This marks the latest discovery in Shalev’s 15-year exploration of the beta cell pathways that malfunction in diabetes.

Two of the Department’s second-year residents, Josh Harpool, MD, and Stephen Stuart, MD, had a paper accepted for publication in the Journal of General Internal Medicine's online clinical images series. Their article, “A Shocking Case of Hypertension,” summarizes an interesting clinical investigation that ultimately revealed a rare neuroendocrine tumor.

The Department is serious about research, as well as collegiality and collaboration! One great way to celebrate that spirit is to take part in the Department’s Research Staff Networking Events. Last week, research staff gathered at Cosecha Urban Kitchen for drinks and conversation. If you’re involved in research, come join the fun at the upcoming December 11 event, where snacks and the first round are on the Department! Time and place to be announced later. Stay tuned for details.

On Thursday, December 7, at noon, the UAB Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) will host a World AIDS Day Celebration in the Doubletree Ballroom. Jeanne Marrazzo, PhD, MD (Professor/Division Director, Infectious Diseases) and Aadia Rana, MD (Associate Professor, Infectious Diseases) will discuss the pathway to achieving the Paris Declaration 90-90-90 Goal in the fight against AIDS. The 90-90-90 Goal is: 90 percent of people living with HIV knowing their HIV status; 90 percent of those who know their status becoming engaged in care and on antiretroviral therapy (ART); 90 percent of those on ART achieving full viral suppression. Birmingham is one of 13 cities in the United States dedicated to committing local resources to achieve key Paris Declaration goals in the fight against AIDS by 2020 and ending the spread of AIDS by 2030. Their luncheon discussion will be followed by an information fair. RSVP

Curiosity could earn you $1,000! The first UAB i2b2 Abstract Contest will provide cash prizes for the best scientific abstract based on data from UAB’s i2b2 (Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside) clinical data repository. The application deadline has been extended to Sunday, January 7, 2018! The contest is co-sponsored by the UAB Informatics Institute and the CCTS, and the details are posted online.

No Lecture at Medical Grounds Next Week—Happy Thanksgiving!
We’ll take a week off to enjoy the holiday, but be sure to mark your calendars for the Medical Grand Rounds on November 29. Department of Medicine Chair Dr. Seth Landefeld will moderate a session on health care reform with special guest panelists Will Ferniany, PhD, CEO, UAB Health System; Dow Briggs, MD, Chief Business Officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama; Bob Centor, MD (Professor, General Internal Medicine-retired) and Nancy Dunlap, MD, PhD, MBA (Professor Emerita, Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care). Wednesday, November 29, noon–1pm, Margaret Cameron Spain Auditorium.

Coming Events:

  • Mark your calendars for merriment! The Department of Medicine Holiday Party will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12, at the National Alumni Society House.

View this week's slides.