Explore UAB

Core B
1. Study murine models of AKI
Check out the FAQ for the Small Animal Microsurgical Core

2. Small animal imaging (https://www.uab.edu/cores/ircp/saif)

3. Determine renal physiological changes in AKI

This core specifically provides 
  • Expertise in development and training in the use of rodent models of AKI
  • Multi-modality small animal imaging sub-core that provides state-of-the-art molecular imaging (functional, structural and metabolic imaging)
  • Physiology sub-core that provides expertise and training for studying renal function on whole kidney and at the single nephron level
  • Technical expertise in isolation of primary renal and vascular cells in culture
  • Bulk RNA sequencing analysis services: 

    We can provide a consultation on your experimental design and analyses. We will map, count, annotate, and determine differentially expressed genes in your dataset. Finally, if required we can perform pathway and Gene Ontology analyses with your differentially expressed genes.

  • LC-mass spectrometry based assays for creatinine