Displaying items by tag: school of optometry

The work of Roy Joseph, Ph.D., was chosen as one of the top 3 percent of abstracts submitted at ARVO 2014.
Jessie Dinkel, O.D., has been awarded the Terrance N. Ingraham Pediatric Optometry Residency Award, intended to promote the practice and development of the field.
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Lawrence Sincich, Ph.D., has been awarded $1.1 million to advance the technology for improved optical access and visual testing of the retina.
Rod W. Nowakowski is recognized for contributions to society that exceed his professional obligations.
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UAB Vision Sciences faculty member will serve with other leaders in his field from across the United States for a term lasting until June 2018.
School of Optometry graduates will be honored at the Doctoral Convocation and Hooding Ceremony on May 16.
Kerry Stein plays golf recreationally and participates annually in the UAB School of Optometry tournament to support the needs of the school — needs he understands well as a staunch supporter who happens to be blind.
It’s time for the 10th annual Dean’s Community Advisory Committee’s golf tournament, which supports the needs of the school.
Research exploring several new diagnostic strategies to find the earliest changes in the eye to detect glaucoma is underway at the UAB School of Optometry. One optometrist says awareness of this eye disorder is just as important as continuing to study it.
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Kelly K. Nichols, O.D., MPH, Ph.D., one of the world's leading vision scientists in the area of dry eye disease, has been named dean of the UAB School of Optometry, effective June 25, 2014.
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When a prime-time sportscaster went on the air to cover the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics with pink eye, the world took notice. One UAB optometrist says this virus currently lacks an FDA-approved drug, but she has a planned study to solve that.
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Professor of Microbiology David Briles, Ph.D., and Professor of Optometry Lawrence DeLucas, O.D., Ph.D., received this high professional distinction.
Optometry has dedicated its outdoor plaza to Frances Lee Hire, mother of Don M. Hire, a longtime supporter of UAB along with his wife, Marsha H. Hire.
This work will focus on a protein that is unique to the eye and is required for sight.

This is the only tie for first place in the history of the competition.

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