Mullins is chief financial officer

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Stephanie Mullins INSIDEStephanie Mullins has been named UAB’s chief financial officer after an extensive search process led by a committee chaired by Dentistry Dean Michael Reddy.

“Our committee broadly represented the university community, and we reviewed a vast array of candidates over many months,” Reddy said. “Ours was a robust, multilevel search process guided by thorough discussions and careful consideration. I am thankful for the committee’s diligent efforts and am very pleased with the outcome.”

Mullins, who had been interim CFO since July 1, 2015, previously had been assistant vice president for Financial Affairs and controller.

“It has been an honor to serve our students, faculty and staff for these many years and support the tremendous impact UAB has in our community and beyond,” Mullins said. “I am humbled by the confidence the search committee, Vice President Allen Bolton and President Ray Watts have shown in giving me this opportunity.” 

At UAB, she has been a contributor and leader in many initiatives, including the Process Improvement and Budget Modeling task forces, and she spearheaded a recent restructuring of Financial Affairs to provide a more customer-centered approach.

“Stephanie has been an asset to UAB for more than 17 years,” said Allen Bolton, vice president for Financial Affairs and Administration. “She has consistently demonstrated great ability, as well as passion and a commitment to ensuring our institution’s continued growth and success.” 

President Ray Watts commended the search committee for its dedication to the process. “We put a lot of faith in search committees to lead the way on very important hires that shape the future of our institution,” Watts said. “It can be a difficult and time-consuming process, but a valuable one, and I want to thank each member of the committee for their good work.”

Search committee members included Josie Banks, Human Resources; Phillip Bivens, Student Affairs; Dawn Bulgarella, UAB Medicine; Chris Clifford, Business and Auxiliary Services; Amy Evans, College of Arts and Sciences; Sharon Mahaffey, Libraries; Richard Marchase, Research Administration; Catherine McCarty, Student Services; Bob McMains, Facilities; Derita Ratcliffe, Athletics; Andrew Rucks, School of Public Health; Arline Savage, Collat School of Business; Melanie Talbot, School of Health Professions; Deborah Voltz, School of Education; and Michael Wyss, Center for Community OutReach Development.

Mullins graduated from the University of Alabama in 1992 with a degree in accounting and joined UAB in 1999 after spending her early career with Coopers & Lybrand and Baptist Health System.


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