The Nikon A1R-HD25 Confocal has Four channel imaging, high speed resonance scanner (30 fps at 512x512, up to 420 fps depending on area), perfect focus system for timelapse imaging, live cell imaging chamber to maintain 5% CO2 and 37 C, spectral detector and high speed spectral unmixing, FRAP, FRET, photoactivation, 3-D and 2-D imaging, ratiometric calcium imaging, colocalization analysis, sensitive GaAsP detectors.
- Nikon Ti2 eclipse inverted microscope
- Prior Scientific motorized XY stage
- Multiple region time lapse with z-stack for 3D imaging.Timelapse and Spectral detection can be done on the A1 as well as Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) experiments. With the addition of a resonance scanner the A1 can image frames at over 300fps! It can easily be switched from standard galvo scanning to Resonance or Spectral mode within the Nis Elements software.
- Nikon Perfect Focus
- Photo-manipulation (photo-bleaching/photo-activation) experiments can be easily conducted with multiple user-defined regions of interest
- Tandem galvano and Nikon A1R-HD25 resonance scanner up to 30 1024x1024 images/sec
- Advanced Detection: 4 PMT, Two GaAsp Multidetectors and one standard PMT. The detection system in the A1 Scanner consists of a highly sensitive array of PMT's which are capable of integrating line scans at a faster rate than previous confocals were able to accomplish making the system ideal for imaging large amounts of data.
- Plan Apo λ 4x na . 2 wd 20000
- Plan Apo λ 10x na . 5 wd 4000
- Plan Apo λ 20x na .8 wd 1000
- Plan Fluor 40x DIC h n2 na 1.3 we 240um
- Apo 60x λ oil DIC n2 na 1.4 wd 140
- SR Apo Tirf 100x na 1.5 we 120
Laser Lines(nm):
405, 488, 567, 637
Filter Cubes(eyes):
- Tokai Hit incubation stage chamber at 37ºC, optional 5% CO2
- Motorized x-y stage
- Z-stacks
- Nikon Perfect Focus System
Acquisition Software:
The Nis Elements 5.0 Imaging Software contains a cutting-edge analysis package of modules for doing quantification and densitometry of fluorescence in 2D and 3D. Nis Elements can also be used to count cells and track cells on time-lapse movies.